Hi Pete,

My hosting service seems to be temporarily offline so pardon the posting from a 
older email address.

Things seem to have got away from you a little. You had successfully applied 
the update to 10.5.4. At that point you had a working computer with all your 
data! I personally would not have wiped the data as there is little benefit to 
a clean install if you intend to use data migration assistant to bring all the 
cruft back.

To take stock, you now have a working computer albeit with no data an a non 
functioning Time Machine. So to try to get back on track, perhaps you could 
proceed as follows:

1) Attempt the earlier process where you use Terminal.app to delete the unused 
sparse bundle on your Time Capsule.

2) If that works and you get Time Machine functioning, do a Time Machine backup 
just to kick things off, even though none of your valuable data will be 
included in the backup at this point

3) Use data migration assistant to bring back your data.

4) Do another Time Machine backup -- this time with you data.

Let us know what you choose to do and how it goes.


> Re: Time Machine backup
> Peter Crisp
> Sat, 04 Aug 2012 19:23:39 -0700
> Ok, just about reached end of the line for options. 
> What I did was load the OSX disc for System update only to 10.5.4 and then 
> test 
> to see if Time Machine could mount the volume- no go.
> Then my objective was to do a clean instal from the 10.5.4 OSX disc, but as 
> it 
> was already the same OSX version, I was not presented with the option to do a 
> clean instal. So I did Software Update to up version to 10.5.8 which it did 
> but 
> took 5 hours through the night.
> I tried the Time Machine process again- no good.
> So, go the full Monty. Clean instal back to 10.5.4. Still no Time Machine 
> image 
> mount. Some observations though which might jog someone's memory. In the 
> Change 
> Disc dialogue box of TM I have 3 items. 
> Item 1 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a green picture with an analogue 
> clock face.
> Item 2 is an icon of the Time Capsule with a blue picture of 3 people holding 
> hands.
> Item 3 says None but has a red circle with a red diagonal line through it.
> But item 3 has been there for ages, well before introducing Tim's MacBook to 
> the TC.
> Item 2 is the one I pick normally on Jo's MacBook and it works fine. 
> Another observation, when looking at Time Machine window on Tim's MacBook it 
> states name as Name: Time Capsule and Available 525.4GB of 929.5GB. On SWMBOs 
> MacBook, same window says Name: Time Capsule (Joannes-Time-Capsule) and 
> Available: 564.11GB of 998.06GB.
> It seems like there are 2 volumes or images, I really don't know what to do 
> next.
> I haven't migrated Tim's data back in yet, to save me wasting time and to 
> protect it until its all settled.
> I had read somewhere that Time Capsule uses the MAC address to recognise a 
> machine, in doing a clean instal the MAC address doesn't change (i think) and 
> so it is still attempting to do the same as I was trying 3 days ago. As same 
> MAC address means same machine to the TC. Can I change the MAC address? Is 
> there a plist file somewhere I can blow away to kick start it from scratch?
> WCE performance was icing on the cake last night but the rowers did a great 
> job!
> Any tips?
> Regards
> Pete
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