On Thursday, 12 June 2008 at 23:54, Angus Lees wrote:
> For reference, a no-fancy-options recompression of the rpl files into ogg
> ends up at about this resulting size:
>  187M    sequences_ogg.zip
>  777M    sequences_rpl.zip

Could you upload the Theora files somewhere? As nobody seems to do anything
regarding the videos currently, perhaps I'll have a look into it.

> So .ogg theora/vorbis is a pretty big saving in size.  sequences_ogg.zip was
> generated via my rpl2avi wine program with the original eidos dlls and then
> reencoded using ffmpeg2theora - if you're interested in the resulting file
> or any of the pipeline just ask.

Do you know how large the intermediate AVIs are? It might be nice to have the
raw files somewhere for testing encoding options etc., or reencode when the
Theora encoder improvements I mentioned in my last mail are finished.

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