Hi, thank you for testing the plugin.

I am writing the documentation explaining every option of the API. 

In this First alpha release only client side is available, the table is 
entirely loaded to the client, which is really not usable if you has more than 
500 rows.

I am working right now on Json/XML parser, the table will render only visible 
columns on the first load and take the rest of the data from the server via 
ajax callback (in the same way jqgrid does). Server side processing will be 
available for searching, sorting and pagination too. 

I hope to finish this soon.

In my TODO is:

Server Side processing. 
Inline editings
Nested powertables( now you can only have a simple sqltable, a div or a form as 
Fixed headers and columns. 
More from datatables.net API

Thank you for testing, your feedback will help me so much to continue this 
development. I appreciate every help or suggestion to this plugin. 

I will create a project on Google code to track the issues and host the docs. 

Thank you


Em 17/12/2010, às 08:11, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> I have downloaded Powertable and like most of what I see.
> What I like:
> *  The ability to use more datasources than just a table and a single-column 
> query.
> *   The layout which is more readable and understandable than jqgrid from 
> plugin_wiki
> I have certain questions and concerns though:
> * Is there documentation somewhere explaining the options?  I could only see 
> the demo-code.  Some of the links on the page referring to the API does not 
> work.
> * I have tested it this morning on a table with more  just over 8200 entries 
> and it took 70-90  seconds on Firefox and 30-35 secondes no Chrome to reload 
> the page from localhost.  That is not usable.  Plugin_wiki's jqgrid does this 
> in less than a second.
>   It seems that it loads the whole table and does not make use of paging 
> while executing the query.  
> I have used the following settings:
>     powerTable = plugins.powerTable
>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollY'] = '338'
>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollX'] = '100%' 
>     #powerTable.virtualfields = Virtual()
>     powerTable.headers = 'fieldname:capitalize'
>     powerTable.showkeycolumn = True
>     powerTable.dtfeatures['bJQueryUI'] = request.vars.get('jqueryui',True)
>     powerTable.uitheme = request.vars.get('theme','redmond')#'smoothness' / 
> 'redmond' /'cupertino'
>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sPaginationType'] = 
> request.vars.get('pager','scrolling') # two_button scrolling
>     powerTable.datasource = db.joernaal
> Regards
> Johann
> -- 
>  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God 
> and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for 
> life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by his 
> own glory and excellence. 
>                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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