>* I have tested it this morning on a table with more  just over 8200 entries 
>and it took 70-90
>seconds on Firefox and 30-35 secondes no Chrome to reload the page from 
>localhost.  That is
>not usable.  Plugin_wiki's jqgrid does this in less than a second.
>  It seems that it loads the whole table and does not make use of paging while 
> executing the

WIth jqgrid even without paging , i had successfully loaded 40k
records  within 6 - 8 secs . And local searching , sorting can do in a
snap. jqGrid also supports progressive loading (without paging , it
does ajax to load while scrolling down).

I do not see those features exist in datatables.

On 12/17/10, rochacbruno <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, thank you for testing the plugin.
> I am writing the documentation explaining every option of the API.
> In this First alpha release only client side is available, the table is
> entirely loaded to the client, which is really not usable if you has more
> than 500 rows.
> I am working right now on Json/XML parser, the table will render only
> visible columns on the first load and take the rest of the data from the
> server via ajax callback (in the same way jqgrid does). Server side
> processing will be available for searching, sorting and pagination too.
> I hope to finish this soon.
> In my TODO is:
> Server Side processing.
> Inline editings
> Nested powertables( now you can only have a simple sqltable, a div or a form
> as details)
> Fixed headers and columns.
> More from datatables.net API
> Thank you for testing, your feedback will help me so much to continue this
> development. I appreciate every help or suggestion to this plugin.
> I will create a project on Google code to track the issues and host the
> docs.
> Thank you
> Bruno
> Em 17/12/2010, às 08:11, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> escreveu:
>> I have downloaded Powertable and like most of what I see.
>> What I like:
>> *  The ability to use more datasources than just a table and a
>> single-column query.
>> *   The layout which is more readable and understandable than jqgrid from
>> plugin_wiki
>> I have certain questions and concerns though:
>> * Is there documentation somewhere explaining the options?  I could only
>> see the demo-code.  Some of the links on the page referring to the API
>> does not work.
>> * I have tested it this morning on a table with more  just over 8200
>> entries and it took 70-90  seconds on Firefox and 30-35 secondes no Chrome
>> to reload the page from localhost.  That is not usable.  Plugin_wiki's
>> jqgrid does this in less than a second.
>>   It seems that it loads the whole table and does not make use of paging
>> while executing the query.
>> I have used the following settings:
>>     powerTable = plugins.powerTable
>>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollY'] = '338'
>>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sScrollX'] = '100%'
>>     #powerTable.virtualfields = Virtual()
>>     powerTable.headers = 'fieldname:capitalize'
>>     powerTable.showkeycolumn = True
>>     powerTable.dtfeatures['bJQueryUI'] = request.vars.get('jqueryui',True)
>>     powerTable.uitheme = request.vars.get('theme','redmond')#'smoothness'
>> / 'redmond' /'cupertino'
>>     powerTable.dtfeatures['sPaginationType'] =
>> request.vars.get('pager','scrolling') # two_button scrolling
>>     powerTable.datasource = db.joernaal
>> Regards
>> Johann
>> --
>>  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of
>> God and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we
>> need for life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who
>> called us by his own glory and excellence.
>>                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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