Just wanted to add a detail:

I have not started to develop the plugin to replace or compete jqGrid. I
do not use jQgrid just because I do not like its layout and i've never read
its documentation.

JqGrid or webgrid does not use PluginManager() to config grid option, and I
like the way we do with PluginManager, instead of a method calling as:

>>> plugin_powerTable(option=xxxx,option=xxxx)

I prefer line by line:

>>> mytable = plugins.powerTable
>>> mytable.datasource = xxx
>>> mytable.create()

I tried to use Virtual Fields, Virtual Labels and tooltips with Jqgrid and I
got no success.

but, after a post about tables here(6 days ago), I've found in the
dataTables library almost everything I need for most of my projects. and I
use it in a way to improve web2py SQLTABLES (my appadmins is already running
with powerTable). I used too much code from sqlhtml.py SQLTABLE class, I did
not see any code from jqGrid, but I'll do it now to figure out how it loads
data faster and try to bring that to the powerTable plugin.

I think we should always have more options, and certainly jqGrid, Flexigrid
or webgrid or another will be better depending on the project needs.

By now, powerTable is ALPHA not well tested, if you just need to replace
web2py simple SQLTABLEs use powerTable. if you need to load large ammount of
data you have to use a better well tested plugin as jQgrid or webgrid.

If the creators of jQgrid or webgrid plugins or someose else could help me
contributing on server side processing in powerTable will be great

The plugin is already compatilble with any option of datatables API:


Bruno Rocha

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