On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:33:58 -0700 (PDT)
Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Massimo,

> Yes perhaps we should close this thread. I do not see it going
> anywhere.

I do not agree with your conclusion...

> I think we can all agree that: "We welcome people of any gender
> identity or expression, race, ethnicity, size, nationality, sexual
> orientation, ability level, religion, culture, subculture, and
> political opinion" (from
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/diversity)

This is nice.

> We can also agree that any comment that is intentionally offending or
> discriminating other users and groups will not be tolerating. This
> never happened and I am confident it will not.

First of all you have started this thread with "IMPORTANT" subject and wrote

"Some people have expressed their believes (political,
religious, metaphysical) but occasionally when this conflicts with
believes of another person, the other person may feel offended. It has

and clarified it did not happen in the body of the message, but "In
those cases when religious or political statement was made, it was
done in the form of a signature."

Further, you suggested: "Perhaps having a policy that says we should make no
political/ religious/philosophical statements is the simplest policy to
implement." although majority of courageous users who openly reveled their mind
in this thread (almost) univocally said that for them there is NO issue and
suggested "live and let live" policy.

Moreover, it was confirmed (in majority) that people are not bothered what
someone puts in his signature until it's not against other beliefs, attacking
other groups etc. and conclusion of majority users is that so far, there was
nothing against such policy posted here, either in the content or in the

Your original statetment was, however, re-inforcing the point that there is an

"The problem with this issue is that..." and "I am just telling
everybody there is an issue. Some people have been raising it
privately. You may want to think twice about what you put in your
emails. You may get more people to help you if you are neutral."

suggesting that users should think about what is put in their email, iow.

So, according to my understanding, you, somehow, took the side of minority
users who complained (most of them privately) although it's in clear opposition
what the majority of users think here which means that those minority users
were actually acting contrary to the, so far, unexpressed policy and they are
the ones which should apologize!

Moreover, at least, the feelings of one user were hurt in the process ("This
thread has saddened me, however.") and Johann is old web2py user (Gmane here
finds his first post at Sun, 14 Jun 2009), so, based on everything above, I
cannot conclude how this thread "...I do not see it going anywhere."?

Just the opposite...users expressed their view that the policy should be "live
and let live" and that, so far, it was not broken by anybody either by posting
'forbidden' content in the body of the message nor in the form of someone's
signature. Iow, your 'bug report' should be marked as 'invalid'. ;)

I very much  appreciate everything what you do for web2py project, but I must
say that I have expected some more maturity in handling this whole issue which
hurts some people.

Hoping that you will take my post as constructive criticism and not more.


“In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are
all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

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