On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 02:09:14 -0700 (PDT)
Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First of all I apologize. The expression "this thread is not going
> anywhere" was not appropriate. User input was valuable.  

/me nods

> What I meant to say it that there was no consensus on a policy in this regard
> other than stated, therefore statistically, I did not expect more comments to
> change that.

Well, majority of people it seems to agree with "live and let live" policy,
don't they do?

> One correction. I have not taken any side on the issue. I have just
> reported a possible problem that some users have reported to me.

It looks that 'some users' are in minority to those who spoke up that for them
there is no issue really 'since they were not bothered by any content posted

So, my complain is that you took the voice of 'some users' and, based
on that. declared there is an issue, although majority thinks
differently considering their input in the thread.

> Another correction. I did not close this thread. I suggested that
> perhaps we should close it because it is better if this discussion
> stops and we leave things as they are. Hopefully this thread has
> contributed to more awareness on the issue but the issue itself is not
> a subject of this mailing list.

I agree with that, but did not agree that "this thread is not going
"anywhere" - users input has coloured different picture.

> I do not think anybody should be saddened this this thread. 

It is your thinking only - Johann expressed clearly his feelings.

So, in the same manner as you were sensitive to those who privately expressed
their opinion, it would be nice to honour Johann's expression as well. At
least, he has courage to speak in the public and I very much admire his humble
statement. There is lot to be learnt from him.

> people think differently, believe in different things and sometimes they
> disagree. That is a fact of life. 


> The good thing is that even if there may be beliefs that divide us we can
> still find us something that unites us and gets us to talk to each other. 

I hope so.

> This list is a place where people from different countries and different
> backgrounds don't just talk to each other but talk with respect and treat
> others as pears. I think this is something to be happy about.

Well comments like "it may be disturbing to read a signature quoting a
political statement or verse from a religious book." are not in that league and
I'm not aware nor interested about those 'private comments'.


“In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are
all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

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