I have been a Plone/Zope developer for awhile, but don't get to do it often 
enough to completely retain what I have done. I have given much thought 
recently to developing a CMS in web2py, since I think it would simplify my 
development tremendously. I would love to be part of a community effort on 
that behalf.

As far as a CMS vs a Blog goes, I have always viewed a Blog and viewing 
content in a particular manner. To me a Blog is a subset of a CMS. If we 
have a basic CMS, adding a Blog simply means organizing that particular set 
of data a certain way.

At the same time, development of a Blog for itself may be easier than as a 
subset of a CMS. But most of the projects I have worked on have been adding 
some kind of content and being able to view that content through a browser. 
So having a core CMS that is easily extensible into other kinds of systems 
sounds useful to me.

The bottom line is "a list of desired features" is a good starting place, 
and I am willing to be part of the development.


   - core objects that can be extended
   - tags (I like the GMail label idea, so a piece of content can live in 
   multiple locations, not just in one)
   - additional views that allow mixing multiple content objects, for 
   example, on http://web2py.com/new_examples
      - maybe the three columns a the bottom (batteries included, web based 
      ide, extensive docs) are different content objects that are used 
      independently somewhere else
      - content blocks? you have have multiple blocks in a view
      - easily reorganize block with drag and drop
Let me know what I can do to help.


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