This is the german translation of the Standard skin.

There is a problem. "at" translates to "um", if it is a time, but "at" 
translates to "am" if it is a date. If it is date and time together, it 
depends what comes first. 

17,5°C um 14:48:49
29,2°C am 10.05.2021 (um) 16:23:35 ("um" is optional there) schrieb am Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2021 um 15:24:15 UTC+2:

> Thanks. However, I already have a French translation. 
> Would you be willing to do the translation for the Standard skin? It is 
> attached.
> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 3:18 PM Lo LL <> wrote:
>> Hope it helps.
>> Au revoir.
>> Le mardi 18 mai 2021 à 18:41:21 UTC+2, Vetti52 a écrit :
>>> I did some tracing back. Now I think, that the history report stanza in 
>>> skin.conf was introduced by the alltime module. Not sure yet. The beaufort 
>>> texts might be a result of a copy/paste action from a source, I found 
>>> somewhere here in the forum, ages ago....
>>> BTW, in index.html.tmpl, where the history report belongs to, the part <div 
>>> id="history_widget" class="widget"> needs translations also, which seem 
>>> not to be covered by the en.conf file. But maybe, this was another place, 
>>> where the alltime module introduced some text.
>>> Somewhen I started to translate everything into German, that I found to 
>>> be presented as text on the web site. I found it in weewx.conf, 
>>> index.html.tmpl,  skin.conf, all forecast and alltime related files. I did 
>>> not look at where these labels came from in original. Anyway, now I know 
>>> about them, in case updates will mess up with my translations. 
>>> But you have a good source for your de.conf file already. So there is no 
>>> need that I contribute that part.
>>> schrieb am Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021 um 16:48:02 UTC+2:
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Where does [HistoryReport] come from? It's not part of anything in 
>>>> WeeWX that I can tell.
>>>> Same with the Beaufort texts.
>>>> And, I agree, converting a skin is a right pain. 
>>>> On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 7:38 AM Vetti52 <> wrote:
>>>>> I found an entry in skin.conf missing in en.conf:
>>>>> For German:
>>>>> [HistoryReport]
>>>>>     monthnames = Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, 
>>>>> Nov, Dez
>>>>> and some translations for Beaufort as text version would also be 
>>>>> helpful. 
>>>>> Here is my german version, used in
>>>>> #if $varExists('day.windSpeed') and $current.windSpeed.raw is not None
>>>>>   #if $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 0
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Windstille'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 1
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Leiser Zug'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw  == 2
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Leichte Brise'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 3
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Schwache Brise'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 4
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Mäßige Brise'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 5
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Frische Brise'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 6
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Starker Wind'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 7
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Steifer Wind'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 8
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Stürmischer Wind'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 9
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Sturm'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 10
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Schwerer Sturm'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 11
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Orkanartiger Sturm'
>>>>>   #elif $current.windSpeed.beaufort.raw == 12
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'Orkan'
>>>>>   #else
>>>>>     #set $word_current_beaufort = 'N/A'
>>>>>   #end if
>>>>> And, well, the modules, I have in use, alltime seasons and forecast, 
>>>>> which have their own extra labelling text built in, are always a pain to 
>>>>> keep them uptodate with seasons skin. Adopting all kind of those modules 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> the new version might be laborious and take some time. Sigh...
>>>>> schrieb am Sonntag, 16. Mai 2021 um 03:16:15 UTC+2:
>>>>>> Thank you for the Greek translations!
>>>>>> While it would be nice, maintaining native language instructions is 
>>>>>> way beyond the capabilities of this all-volunteer project!
>>>>>> On Sat, May 15, 2021 at 3:03 PM Δημήτρης Βήχος <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> i think greek users , need greek instructions  , german users need 
>>>>>>> german instructions etc. with this thought , my instructions in 
>>>>>>> github are in greek. 
>>>>>>> however this is my greek translate in en.conf . 
>>>>>>> Στις Σάββατο, 15 Μαΐου 2021 στις 11:10:16 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης 
>>>>>>> έγραψε:
>>>>>>>> schrieb am Samstag, 15. Mai 2021 um 21:41:09 
>>>>>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>>>>>> i have a little repository on github with greek translate of all 
>>>>>>>>> pages of seasons skin and weewx.conf. you can use it as you need!!
>>>>>>>>> greek translate of weewx 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> What we ask people for is to translate the file en.conf attached 
>>>>>>>> to the initial post. Could you think to do that? 
>>>>>>>> I guess it would be no good idea if we try to pull the greek words 
>>>>>>>> out of your repository without knowing anything about the greek 
>>>>>>>> language. 
>>>>>>>> That would not work.
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>> send an email to
>>>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>>>> Groups "weewx-user" group.
>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>>>> an email to
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> .
>>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "weewx-user" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> <>
>> .

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# Localization File                                                           #
#    Deutsch                                                                  #
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Tom Keffer <>                      #
# See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights.                                   #



        day               = " Tag",     " Tage"
        hour              = " Stunde",  " Stunden"
        minute            = " Minute",  " Minuten"
        second            = " Sekunde", " Sekunden"


        # Ordinal directions. The last one should be for no wind direction
        directions = N, NNO, NO, ONO, O, OSO, SO, SSO, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, 


    # Set to hemisphere abbreviations suitable for your location:
    hemispheres = N, S, O, W

    # Generic labels, keyed by an observation type.
        altimeter              = Luftdruck (QNH)   # QNH
        altimeterRate          = Luftdruckänderung
        appTemp                = gefühlte Temperatur
        appTemp1               = gefühlte Temperatur
        barometer              = Luftdruck         # QFF
        barometerRate          = Luftdruckänderung
        cloudbase              = Wolkenuntergrenze
        dateTime               = "Datum/Zeit"
        dewpoint               = Taupunkt
        ET                     = ET
        extraTemp1             = Temperatur1
        extraTemp2             = Temperatur2
        extraTemp3             = Temperatur3
        heatindex              = Hitzeindex
        inDewpoint             = Raumtaupunkt
        inHumidity             = Raumluftfeuchte
        inTemp                 = Raumtemperatur
        interval               = Intervall
        lightning_distance     = Blitzentfernung
        lightning_strike_count = Blitzanzahl
        outHumidity            = Luftfeuchte
        outTemp                = Außentemperatur
        pressure               = abs. Luftdruck    # QFE
        pressureRate           = Luftdruckänderung
        radiation              = Sonnenstrahlung
        rain                   = Regen
        rainRate               = Regen-Rate
        THSW                   = THSW-Index
        UV                     = UV-Index
        wind                   = Wind
        windchill              = Windchill
        windDir                = Windrichtung
        windGust               = Böen Geschwindigkeit
        windGustDir            = Böen Richtung
        windgustvec            = Böen-Vektor
        windrun                = Windverlauf
        windSpeed              = Windgeschwindigkeit
        windvec                = Wind-Vektor
        # used in Seasons skin but not defined
        feel                   = gefühlte Temperatur

        # Sensor status indicators
        consBatteryVoltage     = Konsolenbatterie
        heatingVoltage         = Heizungsspannung
        inTempBatteryStatus    = Innentemperatursensor
        outTempBatteryStatus   = Außentemperatursensor
        rainBatteryStatus      = Regenmesser
        referenceVoltage       = Referenz
        rxCheckPercent         = Signalqualität
        supplyVoltage          = Versorgung
        txBatteryStatus        = Übertrager
        windBatteryStatus      = Anemometer


    # The labels to be used for the phases of the moon:
    moon_phases = Neumond, zunehmend, Halbmond, zunehmend, Vollmond, abnehmend, 
Halbmond, abnehmend

    "at" = "um"     # Time context. E.g., 15.1C "at" 12:22
    "Average Wind" = "Durchschn. Wind"
    "Calendar Year" = "Kalenderjahr"
    "Current Conditions" = aktuelle Werte
    "Current Weather Conditions"  = aktuelle Wetterwerte
    "Day" = Tag
    "from" = "aus"     # Direction context. The wind is "from" the NE
    "High Barometer" = "Luftdruck max."
    "High Dewpoint" = "Taupunkt max."
    "High ET" = "ET max."
    "High Heat Index" = "Hitzeindex max."
    "High Humidity" = "Luftfeuchte max."
    "High Inside Temperature" = "Innentemp. max."
    "High Radiation" = "Sonnenstrahlg. max."
    "High Rain Rate" = "Regenrate max."
    "High Temperature" = "Temperatur max."
    "High UV" = "UV max."
    "High Wind" = "Wind max."
    "in" = "in"     # Geographic context. E.g., Temperature "in" Boston.
    "Low Barometer" = "Luftdruck min."
    "Low Dewpoint" = "Taupunkt min."
    "Low ET" = "ET min."
    "Low Humidity" = "Luftfeuchte min."
    "Low Inside Temperature" = "Innentemp. min."
    "Low Radiation" = "Sonnenstrahlg. min."
    "Low Temperature" = "Temperatur min."
    "Low UV" = "UV min"
    "Low Wind Chill" = "Wind-Chill min."
    "Month" = Monat
    "Monthly Statistics and Plots" = "Monatsstatistiken und -diagramme"
    "Monthly Weather Summary" = "Wetterübersicht für diesen Monat"
    "Rain Total" = "Regen gesamt"
    "Rain Year Total" = "Regen gesamt"
    "Rain Year" = "Regenjahr"
    "RMS Wind" = "Wind Effektivwert"
    "Since Midnight" = "seit Mitternacht"
    "This Month" = "Diesen Monat"
    "This Week" = "Diese Woche"
    "Today" = Heute
    "Today's Rain" = "Regen heute"
    "Vector Average Direction" = "Durchschn. Windrichtung"
    "Vector Average Speed" = "Durchschn. Windstärke"
    "Week" = Woche
    "Weekly Statistics and Plots" = "Wochenstatistiken und -diagramme"
    "Weekly Weather Summary" = "Wetterübersicht für diese Woche"
    "Year" = Jahr
    "Yearly Statistics and Plots" = "Jahresstatistiken und -diagramme"
    "Yearly Weather Summary" = "Wetterübersicht für dieses Jahr"

    # About
    "About this weather station" = "Über diese Wetterstation"
    "GeoAltitude" = "Höhe"     # geographic
    "Latitude" = "Breite"
    "Location" = "Lage"
    "Longitude" = "Länge"
    "Mobile formatted" = "für Handy formatiert"
    "RSS feed" = "RSS-Feed"
    "Server uptime" = "Serverlaufzeit"
    "Smartphone formatted" = "für Smartphone formatiert"
    "WeeWX uptime" = "WeeWX-Laufzeit"

    # Almanac
    "Always down" = "Polarnacht"
    "Always up" = "Polartag"
    "AstroAltitude" = "Höhe"
    "Azimuth" = "Azimut"
    "Declination" = "Deklination"
    "End civil twilight" = "Ende der bürgerlichen Dämmerung"
    "Equinox" = "Tagundnachtgleiche"
    "Full moon" = "Vollmond"
    "Moon Phase" = "Mondphase"
    "Moon" = "Mond"
    "New moon" = "Neumond"
    "Phase" = "Phase"
    "Right ascension" = "Rektaszension"
    "Rise" = "Aufgang"
    "Set" = "Untergang"
    "Solstice" = "Sonnenwende"
    "Start civil twilight" = "Beginn der bürglicherlichen Dämmerung"
    "Sun" = "Sonne"
    "Sunrise" = "Aufgang"
    "Sunset" = "Untergang"
    "Today's Almanac" = "Sonne & Mond heute"
    "Transit" = "Transit"

    # Footnotes
    "footnote1" = "Diese Station verwendet"
    "footnote2" = "gesteuert von <a href="";>'weewx'</a>,"
    "footnote3" = "einer experimentellen Wettersoftware geschrieben in Python."
    "footnote4" = "Grundsätze der Entwicklung von Weewx waren Einfachheit, 
Schnelligkeit und leichte Verständlichkeit durch Anwendung moderner 

        Current = "   Jetzt   "
        Week = "    Woche     "
        Month = "    Monat    "
        Year = "    Jahr     "
        "Monthly summary" = "Monatswerte"
        "Yearly summary" = "Jahreswerte"
        "Select month" = "Monat wählen"
        "Select year" = "Jahr wählen"

        "Weather Conditions" = Wetter
        "description" = "Momentanwerte und Tages-, Monats- und 
        "from" = aus
        "Min outside temperature" = Minimale Außentemperatur
        "Max outside temperature" = Maximale Außentemperatur
        "Min inside temperature" = Minimale Innentemperatur
        "Max inside temperature" = Maximale Innentemperatur
        "Min barometer" = Minimaler Luftdruck
        "Max barometer" = Maximaler Luftdruck
        "Max wind" = Maximale Windstärke
        "Rain today" = Regen heute
        "Rain total for month" = Regen gesamt Monat
        "Rain total for year" = Regen gesamt Jahr
        "Weather Conditions at" = Wetter am
        "Yearly Weather Summary as of" = Jahreszusammenfassung vom
        "Monthly Weather Summary as of" = Monatszusammenfassung vom
        "Daily Weather Summary as of" = Tageszusammenfassung vom

        "7-day" = "7-Tage"
        "24h" = "24h"
        "Big Page" = "für PC formatiert"
        "Radar" = "Radar"
        "This week's max" = "Maximalwert dieser Woche"
        "This week's min" = "Minimalwert dieser Woche"
        "Time" = "Zeit"
        "Today's max" = "Maximalwert heute"
        "Today's min" = "Minimalwert heute"
        "Min rate" = "Minimale Rate"
        "Max rate" = "Maximale Rate"
        "last 30 days" = "der letzten 30 Tage"
        "Sorry, no radar image" = "Kein Radarbild verfügbar"

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