You may have a point, but that's a discussion we should have once 1.14 is
out. Right now I'd like to get a solid plan for 1.14 set, based on what we
can accomplish now in a reasonable amount of time. We shouldn't be focusing
on grandiose plans - save those for what comes next, be it 1.16 or 2.0 -
and instead focus on more manageable goals we can reach in the next few

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:43 AM Sergey Popov <> wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Jun 2016 12:30:59 +0000
> Charles Dang <> wrote:
> > But despite the major changes and improvements we've made recently,
> > the fact still remains that Wesnoth is far behind in the polish,
> > capabilities and design of even today's indie games. There has been a
> > general consensus that Wesnoth 2.0 is needed. It is my hope that 1.14
> > will be the last release in the 1.x series (barring maintenance
> > releases), and we can come to a decision on how to move forward
> > towards a 2.0 release.
> I kinda disagree. Most games on steam are less polished than wesnoth's
> stable branches. And Wesnoth 2.0 most definitely isn't an answer since
> it implies engine change, and working with such a change takes effort
> away from actual polishing. I would prefer evolutionary development,
> making new 1.x series indefinitely. That way would minimize wheel
> reinvention and is absolutely needed for achieving any sort of lasting
> polish. Each new stable series is a chance to replace one of core
> subsystems with something more modern without losing existing progress
> in other systems.
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