Can we please fix [tunnel]?
When I asked about this before the 1.12 release, I was told that maybe we 
could do something to make the situation more tolerable--like allowing undo, 
but a full fix might have to wait until the next release. Now we are planning 
for that, but I don't even see it on the list. Can we add it? At a minimum, we 
should allow the user to undo a move instead of having a tunnel work like an 
ambush sometimes. This affects Secrets of the Ancients (one of my campaigns), 
and probably other UMC.

---Dan (beetlenaut)

On Friday, June 10, 2016 12:30:59 PM Charles Dang wrote:
> As ancestral closes in on his final draft of the trailer and we can
> (hopefully) get the Steam Greenlight process started, I think it's time to
> look at what we want done for Wesnoth 1.14. Assuming all goes well, that
> will be the version released on Steam, *not *1.12; the latter is too far
> behind to be worth it.
> But despite the major changes and improvements we've made recently, the
> fact still remains that Wesnoth is far behind in the polish, capabilities
> and design of even today's indie games. There has been a general consensus
> that Wesnoth 2.0 is needed. It is my hope that 1.14 will be the last
> release in the 1.x series (barring maintenance releases), and we can come
> to a decision on how to move forward towards a 2.0 release.
> For now, we need to focus on 1.14 and making it the best damn release we
> can make it, especially if it's destined for Steam. Therefor, I'd like
> every active or interested dev to reply to this email with a list of things
> they *absolutely must get done for 1.14, *and a list of *things they hope
> to get done, but are not priorities. *Devs will be held responsible to
> complete any items in their former category in a reasonable amount of time.
> Should they not, the item will be stricken from the development plan.
> Once we have the lists we should be able to get a general idea of a
> timeframe for the 1.14 release (whether on Steam or standalone). Right now
> I am hoping for *early 2017*.
> Thanks,
> Charles Dang (Vultraz, Community Manager)

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