Hi All,

I've taken the opportunity to steal some of Ignacio's excellent work here, you can find the original at https://wiki.wesnoth.org/User:Shadowmaster/DevelopmentRoadmap . I've but it down to only feature things that are unreleased, with proposed release versions for some of them.

Please also excuse the HTML email :)

Can people please comment on whether they would like to take on any of these features? I've put iceiceice down for bosst:asio networking already based on his previous response.

Are there any features we want to scrap for 1.14?

There has been informal discussion about art licensing changes, is this something that should be discussed on the ML and possibly included in 1.14?


Feature         Author  First release
Windows upgrade packages        aquileia        TBD
Built-in game upgrader  TBD     TBD
SDL_ttf dependency dropped      TBD     TBD
Display engine refactoring      TBD     TBD
SDL2 bugfixes and performance optimisation
Automatic WML cache cleanup
        TBD     TBD
boost:asio network clients

     User interface

Feature         Author  First release
Tab bar UI styling      TBD     TBD
Multi-line GUI2 textboxes       TBD     TBD

     Lua/WML API

     Add-ons server

Feature         Author  First release
Add-ons manifest model <http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=42966> shadowm 1.13.4 More game state info exposed to Lua (scenario id/name, next scenario, etc.) TBD TBD
Story and end screen calls mid-scenario         TBD     TBD
Add-on help pages API   TBD     TBD
Feature         Author  First release
redirection <https://wiki.wesnoth.org/NotSoEasyCoding#Port_redirection_Port> TBD TBD Incremental upgrades and uploads <https://wiki.wesnoth.org/NotSoEasyCoding#Incremental_upgrades_and_uploads> TBD TBD
Documentation and support for 3rd party add-ons servers         shadowm         


Feature         Author  First release
Fix LoW
        TBD     TBD

I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Kind regards,

On 11/06/16 00:30, Charles Dang wrote:
As ancestral closes in on his final draft of the trailer and we can (hopefully) get the Steam Greenlight process started, I think it's time to look at what we want done for Wesnoth 1.14. Assuming all goes well, that will be the version released on Steam, *not *1.12; the latter is too far behind to be worth it.

But despite the major changes and improvements we've made recently, the fact still remains that Wesnoth is far behind in the polish, capabilities and design of even today's indie games. There has been a general consensus that Wesnoth 2.0 is needed. It is my hope that 1.14 will be the last release in the 1.x series (barring maintenance releases), and we can come to a decision on how to move forward towards a 2.0 release.

For now, we need to focus on 1.14 and making it the best damn release we can make it, especially if it's destined for Steam. Therefor, I'd like every active or interested dev to reply to this email with a list of things they *absolutely must get done for 1.14, *and a list of *things they hope to get done, but are not priorities. *Devs will be held responsible to complete any items in their former category in a reasonable amount of time. Should they not, the item will be stricken from the development plan.

Once we have the lists we should be able to get a general idea of a timeframe for the 1.14 release (whether on Steam or standalone). Right now I am hoping for *early 2017*.


Charles Dang (Vultraz, Community Manager)

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