In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thomas Reinke said:
> Is anyone else not finding the noise ratio (i.e. spam)
> a bit high here? I sympathize with the effort required
> to lightly moderate, but might I recommend that
> _something_ be done to rid us all of this spam? It's
> getting to be irritating enough that I'm tempted to
> drop off the list, which I'd just as soon not do - wget
> is a fantastic little tool that I'd just as soon stay
> involved with actively, if possible.
> Thomas
The easiest solution would be for the list owners to require people to 
subscribe before posting.  So far, they seem unwilling to do that.  All the 
product-support lists to which I subscribe (except this one) have that 
policy, and I never get spam from any of them.  I would request the list 
owners to consider taking that step before this list gets totally unusable.  
Once spammers get an address, they pass it around, so the problem will only 
get worse until something is done.
Jim McMaster

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