Andre Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I respectfully disagree. If we can spend the time to read and
> answer the poster's question, the poster can spend five minutes
> to subscribe/unsubscribe.
> For reference, see the netiquette item on posting to newsgroups
> and asking for replies by email.

I am aware of newsgroup etiquette, but I consider a newsgroup to be
different from a mailing list devoted to helping users.  Besides,
subscribing to and unsubscribing from an unknown mailing list are much
more annoying processes than they are for newsgroups.

I suppose we can only "agree to disagree" on this one.

>> I am aware that in this matter, as well as in the infamous
>> `Reply-To' debate, this list lies in the minority.  But that is not
>> a sufficient reason to back down and let the spammers win.
> Right now, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is providing free relaying for spammers
> to all its subscribers.

So does any mailing list with open subscription.  I find your choice
of wording strange, sort of like saying that `sendmail' provides free
transmission of spam.  That may be so, but that was not its intention,
and the fact that it's misused is no reason to cripple its intended

>> If you have a spam-fighting suggestion that does *not* include
>> disallowing non-subscriber postings, I am more than willing to listen.
> Mmm... What would you think of having the list software
> automatically add a special header (say X-Non-Subscriber) to every
> mail sent by a non-subscriber ?

I see where you're getting at, and I would have absolutely no
objections to that.

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