Hello Leo,


Should you be considering the training of teachers in the area of any of the
sciences, consider the kind of (non electronic) technology that makes use of
the resources often freely available in the environment or obtainable at low
cost, using the ideas you can find in the New UNESCO Source Book for Science
Teaching, available at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0000/000056/005641e.
pdf. It’s a classic. Using these resources by teachers and students alike
stimulates immensely the creativity and deepens learning.





Jan Visser, Ph.D.

President & Sr. Researcher, Learning Development Institute

Professor Extraordinary, University of Stellenbosch

E-mail: jvis...@learndev.org 

Check out: http://www.learndev.org and http://www.facebook.com/learndev

Blog: http://jvisser-ldi.blogspot.com/




From: wikieducator@googlegroups.com [mailto:wikieducator@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Wong Leo
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2:13 PM
To: wikieducator@googlegroups.com;
Subject: Re: [WikiEducator] looking for creative ways to design a teacher
education curriclum


hey all , i totally understand that most of you may come from a background
related to educational tecnology , or ICT , however for my case , that most
of teachers in china especially does not even have the internet connection
at school ,especially for remote area in china . 


which is what michael talked about content as curriculum , i have read the
post , found out the author actuallyagainst the idea of using content as
curriculum content , 


so basically  , i want to design something which have less  to do with
technology, in terms of my situation , i still want to expand my students (
future teachers " horizon , and looking forward they are changing my
pre-conceptions about before -web2.0 era teaching . 





在 2011年12月20日 下午8:34,Michael Coghlan <mikec...@gmail.com>写道:

Hi Leo.


I know this is not specifically about creating a curriculum for a teacher
training program but I think this blog post by Steve Wheeler is a good place
to start your thinking!


- Michael





On 20 December 2011 20:59, Wong Leo <leolao...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all , 


I will be teaching a teacher education unit for about 400 middle school
teachers to help them prepare for their future teaching job for minority
people in remote china , i am wondering if anyone who have the similar
teaching experience on teacher education program , the name of the course is
called curriculum and teaching . 


i am thinking about trying something in wikieducator like involving each
teacher to design a teaching unit , and asking them to put on wikieducator


however , i need the advices from you ! 


something creative is the best !! 



Leo Wong 
Teacher and teacher trainer 



个人博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/leolaoshi1  (在努力中)


Malaysia number +006 010 2718251

There is something very special and powerful about engaging directly with
the real teacher and real Kids.


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Leo Wong 
Teacher and teacher trainer 



个人博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/leolaoshi1  (在努力中)


Malaysia number +006 010 2718251

There is something very special and powerful about engaging directly with
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