Hey Ellen ,great question ! i did not explain my case very clearly my fault

the teachers in my classes are taking 60 hours train from their area to
travel where i am working now , and after the training , they will go back
to where they came from  , where i called a remote place in china , where
internet might not as common as in big cities in china like in shanghai

so i am very careful on using internet on my classes , i don't preach
something they only feel good about .

however i still think it is important for them to learn to use technology
to keep up to date especially in remote area , so i will surely involve
technology into my classes , for example , i will introduce something
called TED x school event and maybe playing a few TED video for them

the reason i mentioned about wikieducaotr , is i would like to use
something similar concept like wikieducator , you know what i called* an
paper and pencil version wikieducato*r , is that possible in real life ?

for them to get together as a group to create lesson plan and giving  back
to the commuity as a way of assessment

however , i need more thoughts or feedback


在 2011年12月20日 下午10:52, <ellen.mur...@esc.edu>写道:

> HI Leo,
> I hope you don't mind a few questions, just to clarify: you say that this
> is for teachers who will be teaching in remote areas of China, so I'm
> guessing you do not want the lessons plans to include the use of Internet
> technologies, is that the case?  Will they have access to computers or
> mobile devices, even if they do not have access to the internet?
> You mention that "thinking about trying something in wikieducator like
> involving each teacher to design a teaching unit , and asking them to put
> on wikieducator website" so I'm assuming they will have access to the
> internet while they are training, is this the case?  If so, how much access?
> *Ellen*
> *Ellen Marie Murphy*
> Director of Online Curriculum
> SUNY Empire State College
> 113 West Ave
> Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
> 518-587-2100 Ext: 2961
> twitter: ellen_marie
> From:        Wong Leo <leolao...@gmail.com>
> To:        wikieducator@googlegroups.com,
> wikieducator-teacher-collaboration-fo...@googlegroups.com
> Date:        12/20/2011 08:13 AM
> Subject:        Re: [WikiEducator] looking for creative ways to design a
> teacher education curriclum
> Sent by:        wikieducator@googlegroups.com
> ------------------------------
> hey all , i totally understand that most of you may come from a background
> related to educational tecnology , or ICT , however for my case , that most
> of teachers in china especially does not even have the internet connection
> at school ,especially for remote area in china .
> which is what michael talked about content as curriculum , i have read the
> post , found out the author actuallyagainst the idea of using content as
> curriculum content ,
> so basically  , i want to design something which have less  to do with
> technology, in terms of my situation , i still want to expand my students (
> future teachers " horizon , and looking forward they are changing my
> pre-conceptions about before -web2.0 era teaching .
> leo
> 在 2011年12月20日 下午8:34,Michael Coghlan <*mikec...@gmail.com*<mikec...@gmail.com>
> >写道:
> Hi Leo.
> I know this is not specifically about creating a curriculum for a teacher
> training program but I think this blog post by Steve Wheeler is a good
> place to start your thinking!  *
> http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com/2011/12/content-as-curriculum.html*<http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com/2011/12/content-as-curriculum.html>
> - Michael
> On 20 December 2011 20:59, Wong Leo 
> <*leolao...@gmail.com*<leolao...@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> Dear all ,
> I will be teaching a teacher education unit for about 400 middle school
> teachers to help them prepare for their future teaching job for minority
> people in remote china , i am wondering if anyone who have the similar
> teaching experience on teacher education program , the name of the course
> is called curriculum and teaching .
> i am thinking about trying something in wikieducator like involving each
> teacher to design a teaching unit , and asking them to put on wikieducator
> website
> however , i need the advices from you !
> something creative is the best !!
> --
> Leo Wong
> Teacher and teacher trainer
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> Leo Wong
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Leo Wong
Teacher and teacher trainer


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