Quite right, I didn’t mean to imply (and in retrospect i understand a reading 
that would miss that detail) that the verbiage in question was yours.

It was not.


> On Jan 2, 2016, at 9:56 PM, Kevin Gorman <kgor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know you probably realize this pb, but I just want to emphasize that the
> verbiage that certainly something untoward has taken place wasn't coming
> from me, and would like to stress that to the rest of the list.  It's just
> such a serious matter, that I believe outside investigation is almost
> certainly warranted, unless James agrees that there was no such withholding
> and additionally agrees that the degree of transparency with which his
> removal took place is in line with both the law and the values of the
> movement.  On the extreme end, under california NPO governance, there are
> certain situations where such intentional document withholding could
> actually risk eliminating the normal shield trustees enjoy for most of
> their actions and making them personally liable, so it's a situation that's
> weird enough that clearing it up with transparency and speed is in the best
> interests of the Wikimedia movement.
> Best,
> KG
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 9:43 PM, Philippe Beaudette <phili...@beaudette.me>
> wrote:
>> Kevin,
>> I disagree with nothing you’ve said here.  What I disagreed with was the
>> characterization that “certainly” something untoward had taken place.
>> pb
>>> On Jan 2, 2016, at 9:41 PM, Kevin Gorman <kgor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Philippe -
>>> I totally agree with you that none of my experiences with WMF suggest
>> that
>>> such a thing is likely to happen.  Organizations and people change over
>>> time, though - similarly, this is the first time a sitting trustee has
>> been
>>> dismissed.  Given the unusuality of the situation, in my opinion at
>> least,
>>> given the *drastic* seriousness that something like deliberately
>>> withholding documents in such a manner under California state law (I
>> can't
>>> speak with familiarity about Florida NPO governance,) and the fact that
>>> both the BoT and James could pretty easily give flat out answers to the
>>> question of whether or not they think it occurred, I think it's worth
>>> asking for those answers.
>>> If James and the BoT agree that such withholding took place, I think it
>>> demands an outside review of WMF governance.  If James thinks it did, but
>>> the rest of the BoT disagrees.. given the general respect held for James'
>>> and the seriousness of the charge, I think an outside review of WMF
>>> governance is *still* probably reasonably necessary.  If neither thinks
>>> such withholding took place, then it settles a serious charge quite
>> simply.
>>> Best,
>>> KG
>>> On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 7:01 PM, <phili...@beaudette.me> wrote:
>>>> I don't believe that's "very clear" at all.  You yourself said "If what
>>>> Ben said is true...."  I think it's very possible - to the extent that
>> Ben
>>>> cautioned against it himself - that this may be a misunderstanding.
>>>> In my nearly seven years at the WMF I never once saw corruption of the
>>>> sort you suggest. Not once. And I think it's safe to say I was well
>>>> connected.
>>>> --
>>>> Philippe Beaudette
>>>> philippe.beaude...@icloud.com
>>>>> On Jan 2, 2016, at 5:48 PM, Comet styles <cometsty...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>> We should probably start with our high and mighty leader, Jimbo, just
>>>>> like everyone else, He should now be 'elected' into the BoT, no more
>>>>> free seats..Wikimedia has now grown to an extent where we may no
>>>>> longer need him to run the foundation or to hold a deciding vote on
>>>>> issues where he has his own interests in..This problem of lacking
>>>>> transparency has leaked down to the lower levels of wikimedia as well,
>>>>> is that the example they are going to set? .. As I said before, the
>>>>> longer this drags on, the more likelihood of a 'manufactured' truth
>>>>> coming out..
>>>>> People who do wrong need time to come up with a good lie....everyone
>>>>> knows this..James spoke the moment he was "fired" for which he was
>>>>> reprimanded by the same authority that 'fired' him...If what Ben
>>>>> Creasy said is true, then its definitely not James on the wrong here
>>>>> and I'd be really effing pissed if he was made a 'scapegoat' by the
>>>>> powers that be to save their own useless hide..Its very clear that
>>>>> there is corruption at the highest order at WMF....the question is..
>>>>> How deep does it go? ..
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cometstyles
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