Hello Pine,

El 19/08/2016 a las 06:28 p.m., Pine W escribió:
Hi Carlos,

In general, I like the new criteria.

I would like to suggest making the criteria entirely quantitative, so that
there is minimal subjectivity about whether or not affiliates are meeting
these standards and therefore there is likely to be less controversy about
the status of affiliates.

The problem of making the criteria entirely quantitative is that the context where affiliates operate is not the same across the world. We cannot apply a rigid, based in fixed numbers criteria because the situation of Estonia or The Netherlands, to give an example, is not the same of Venezuela, where people need to queue for hours just to buy a loaf of bread, if they happen to be lucky enough to find a bakery operating, or where scheduled 4-hour daily blackouts are the norm across the country except for the capital.

If all affiliates operated in the same conditions, that would be another story.

On Aug 19, 2016 05:36, "Carlos M. Colina" <ma...@wikimedia.org.ve> wrote:

Dear all,

On behalf of the Affiliations Committee, I would like to present some
changes to the current chapter and thematic organisation criteria, which we
will begin piloting as we officially reopen applications for chapter and
thematic organization status. Until now, the criteria had not clearly
defined what constitutes sufficient programmatic activity to justify
chapter or thematic organisation status. To address this issue, we have set
out three new criteria:

    1. Diversity of Activities: Chapters and thematic organisations are
    expected to plan and conduct a variety of different programs and events; to
    balance online and offline projects; to strive for continuous activity; and
    to conduct programs and events at least once every two months.
    2. Planning and Evaluation: Chapters and thematic organisations are
    expected to set specific goals and targets for programs, projects, and
    events before executing them; to measure the results of programs, projects,
    and events against those targets; and to report on those results to the
    Wikimedia Foundation and the wider Wikimedia movement.
    3. External Partnerships: Chapters and thematic organisations are
    expected to engage in programmatic partnerships with external groups and
    organizations (for example, cultural, academic, or government institutions,
    and so on) to promote the Wikimedia movement and to add and improve content
    on Wikimedia projects.

In order to officially reopen the chapter and thematic organization
recognition process, the Board of Trustees has instructed the Affiliations
Committee to provisionally use these three new criteria for all new
applicants. In addition, potential chapters and thematic organisations will
continue to be assessed against the existing legal, governance, and
viability criteria; more details, including the benefits and limitations of
these affiliation models, are available on Meta.[1] [2]

Please note that the use of these three new criteria is a pilot; there
will be opportunities to share feedback about the criteria, as well as
other ways to help define the chapter and thematic organisation affiliate
models, during the upcoming strategy consultation. The Affiliations
Committee and the Board of Trustees will continue to evaluate results and
feedback during the initial pilot period and consider potential revisions
to the criteria before they are finalized.

Thank you,

1: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/
2: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/
"*Jülüjain wane mmakat* ein kapülain tü alijunakalirua jee wayuukanairua
junain ekerolaa alümüin supüshuwayale etijaanaka. Ayatashi waya junain."
Carlos M. Colina
Socio, A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela | RIF J-40129321-2 | www.wikimedia.org.ve
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
Phone: +972-52-4869915
Twitter: @maor_x

El logotipo y el nombre de Wikimedia, Wikimedia Venezuela
<http://wikimedia.org.ve/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal>, Wikipedia,
Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Incubator, Wiktionary y otros proyectos
relacionados <https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Our_Projects> son
marcas registradas usadas bajo permiso expreso de su titular, la Fundación
Wikimedia, Inc. <http://www.wikimediafoundation.org>, una organización
sin fines de lucro. Otros nombres y marcas pertenecen a sus respectivos

Asociación Civil Wikimedia Venezuela (Wikimedia Venezuela) | RIF.:
J-40129321-2 | Los Teques, Estado Miranda. Venezuela
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"*Jülüjain wane mmakat* ein kapülain tü alijunakalirua jee wayuukanairua junain ekerolaa alümüin supüshuwayale etijaanaka. Ayatashi waya junain."
Carlos M. Colina
Socio, A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela | RIF J-40129321-2 | www.wikimedia.org.ve <http://wikimedia.org.ve>
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
Phone: +972-52-4869915
Twitter: @maor_x

El logotipo y el nombre de Wikimedia, Wikimedia Venezuela, Wikipedia, Wikimedia 
Commons, Wikimedia Incubator, Wiktionary y otros proyectos relacionados son 
marcas registradas usadas bajo permiso expreso de su titular, la Fundación 
Wikimedia, Inc., una organización sin fines de lucro. Otros nombres y marcas 
pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios.

Asociación Civil Wikimedia Venezuela (Wikimedia Venezuela) | RIF.: J-40129321-2 | Los Teques, Estado Miranda. Venezuela _______________________________________________
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