
On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 7:46 AM, you wrote:

> [...]
> And I'm struggling with a process problem (not one of substance) that I
> don't know how to solve. I truly don't. And it's kind of killing me.
> We (people who work and volunteer at the WMF) need a way to get feedback.
> We need a way to be accountable and responsive.  We all want that. And I
> actually believe that we are all working in good faith toward that.

It would help us all to help you if you could indicate what resources you
expect to be able to devote to this way of being accountable and responsive
that you are working towards, so that we can match the scale and scope of
our suggestion to what you will make available.  When you write of it being
a matter of process not substance, does that mean that you have no new
resources to allocate to this new way of working tover and above what you
have already?

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