> Wikimedia UK is an independent organisation from the Wikimedia
> Foundation. We (WMUK) need a website of our own that we control, and
> ideally, where we own the domain name.
> If the WMF or James F want to keep control of wikimedia.org.uk that's
> very disappointing and frankly very unhelpful - particularly
> considering they're doing nothing with it. But if it is true, WMUK
> should not host its information on this domain and should seek to
> register a different one - maybe http://www.wiki.org.uk/?
> Personally, I think setting up a website whose content we control but
> where the domain name is registered to James or the Foundation is a
> particularly bad idea. We would have full liability for the content
> but control would be a constant struggle. Obscuring the ownership
> would not be particularly helpful.
> Either it's ours or theirs. If they want to keep, so be it.

I agree, it is far from ideal to have our website on a domain we don't
own. Even if we do get control of wikimedia.org.uk, we should probably
try and get wiki.org.uk as well and redirect it (since we are Wiki UK

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