2009/1/26 Gordon Joly <gordon.j...@pobox.com>

> Could go for something in ltd.uk (as well)?
> Nominet have strict rules on use of .ltd.uk domains, and an algorithm for
their generation

The only two possibilities for Wiki UK Ltd are wikiuk.ltd.uk or
wiki-uk.ltd.uk; anything else fails their tests. As the intention is to
trade as Wikimedia UK that would probably not be advisable as it could cause
confusion amongst potential donors.

Additionally as the .ltd.uk second level is not as widely used, public
awareness of it is very low. Use of less popular domains tends to cause
problem with people "filling in the blanks". Plenty of people complain to me
that they get a bounce message when emailling me, only for me to discover
they have attempted to email me at someth...@weebbiz.com or
someth...@weeb.biz.co.uk or some other mangled variation of my domain.

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