This is actually a rather good point, and one I would argue also shows why we need more transparency from the CoC committee in the first place - lacking that, all the community at large can really go on is what the accused provides, which does no favours toward the effectiveness of any actions taken, especially if said actions really were justified.


On 08/08/18 15:26, Lucas Werkmeister wrote:
Can we please avoid jumping to conclusions like “Ladsgroup [was] enforcing
the CoC out of their personal feelings” or that this was an “immediate
escalation”, when the only information we have in this thread is a quoted
email that the author probably never intended to be a comprehensive summary
of the situation in the first place, and which was only relayed to this
list through a non-neutral party?


Am Mi., 8. Aug. 2018 um 16:45 Uhr schrieb Dan Garry <>:

On 8 August 2018 at 14:29, Alex Monk <> wrote:

Are you trying to ban people discussing CoC committee decisions publicly?
Not that it even looks like he wrote grievances.

Hardly. I have absolutely nothing to do with the administration of this
list, nor the authority to set what is discussed on this list, nor any
involvement in the Code of Conduct, all of which you are well aware.


Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation
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