make cases possible --> make cases public whenever possible
Gmail has tricked on me.

2018-08-08 22:46 GMT+02:00 Bináris <>:

> 2018-08-08 22:29 GMT+02:00 Amir Ladsgroup <>:
>> 3) not being able to discuss cases clearly also bothers me too as I can't
>> clarify points. But these secrecy is there for a reason. We have cases of
>> sexual harassment in Wikimedia events, do you want us to communicate those
>> too?
> Nope.
>> And if not, where and who supposed to draw the line between public and
>> non-public cases?
>> If a committe is able to judge cases, it is also able to draw this line
> and make cases possible.
> As time goes by and they have more experience, there will be a standard by
> practice, perhaps a written standard.

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