On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:48 AM bawolff <bawolff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So MZMcBride is temporarily banned for an unspecified amount of time.
> I have some concerns:
> a) The fact all these are secret is a recipe for FUD and
> misunderstandings. From accusations of partiality of the committee to
> people being unblocked because people think its an accident, are all
> natural consequences of things being secret. I think this is bound to
> create a negative environment in the long term.


> b) What is the point of blocking him temporarily and not telling him
> how long he's banned for. That's just silly.

I'm going to quote someone out of context here, but I think it establishes
the point I'd like to make:

"temporary solutions have a terrible habit of becoming permanent, around

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