2018-08-08 23:29 GMT+03:00 Amir Ladsgroup <ladsgr...@gmail.com>:
> Taking my coc hat off, I'm not representing the committee at all.
> Several things have been misunderstood imo. I want to address them.
> 1) The use of profanity is not prohibited by the COC, using them against
> others or for unconstructive reasons is. If you see the whole discussion,
> you could clearly see the comment is not made to move discussion forward.
> These are clear case of disruptive actions.
> 1.1) the response to these violations depends on the user, very similar to
> what Wikipedia does. If it was the first case reported about Mz, they
> wouldn't get this ban.
> 2) the duration of block which is for one week was determined and
> communicated in the email. You can check the email as it's public now.

Unless you're talking about another mail than the one published by
MZMcBride, you did not mention the duration. I'm assuming this was an
omission from your part (AGF) but you should consider having email
templates or some other mean of avoiding such mistakes in the future.

> 3) not being able to discuss cases clearly also bothers me too as I can't
> clarify points. But these secrecy is there for a reason. We have cases of
> sexual harassment in Wikimedia events, do you want us to communicate those
> too? And if not, where and who supposed to draw the line between public and
> non-public cases? I'm very much for more transparency but if we don't iron
> things out before implementing them, it will end up as a disaster.

There is a clear line that can be established: public comment
(wiki/phabricator/etc) => public case. Also, you don't have to go into
details, just mentioning that someone was banned from the Wikimedia
events for sexual harassments seems enough to me.

Reversely, if you don't publish this data, how are other event
organizers going to enforce the ban? When Austria organized the
Wikimedia hackathon, we had several pre-hackathons organized in
several CEE countries. If these would happen today, they would be
bound by the CoC, but the organizers would have no way to determine if
a user should be banned or not.


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