Bringing back a dispute from 2012 over a ban in 2018 is very reaching.
Punishment should have been applied for that case at that time, not
retroactively applied later on. If 'unbelievable anonymous hate mail' is
true, then I don't see why they shouldn't have been banned at that time.
However the circumstances in this case I haven't seen this behavior proved
recently as the cause for the CoC ban.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 4:32 PM Ori Livneh <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:48 PM bawolff <> wrote:
> > MZMcbride (and any other individual contributor) is at a power
> > disadvantage here relative to how the foundation is an organized
> > group
> Have you *been* on the receiving end of an MZMcBride diatribe? I was, when
> barely two months into my role as a software engineer at the Wikimedia
> Foundation (and newly transplanted in the Bay Area), MZMcBride wrote a
> Signpost
> op-ed
> <
> >
> centered around an inconsiderate remark I made on a bug that I closed as
> WONTFIX. The responses to that included on-wiki comments telling me to go
> fuck myself
> <
> >,
> calls for my immediate resignation, and unbelievably vicious anonymous
> hate-mail. My mental state after that was bordering on suicidal.
> I hope that you are struck by the parallels between that affair back in
> 2012 and the one we are presently discussing. The germ-cell of both cases
> was a legitimate grievance about Foundation engineers being dismissive
> toward a bug report. MZMcBride has a very good ear for grievances, and he
> knows how to use his considerable social clout to draw attention to them,
> and then use words as a kind of lightning-rod for stoking outrage and
> focusing it on particular targets. I don't know why he does it and I won't
> speculate, but I am convinced he knows exactly what he is doing. How could
> he not? This has been going on for nearly a decade.
> When I saw MZMcBride's "what the fuck" I *instantly* knew what was coming.
> After it happens to you, you never forget the sensation of instant regret
> and absolute panic as the Eye of Sauron fixates on you. It is a
> *miserable* experience
> and I understand completely why the CoC might feel compelled to intervene.
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