On Wednesday, August 8, 2018, Ori Livneh <ori.liv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:48 PM bawolff <bawolff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> MZMcbride (and any other individual contributor) is at a power
>> disadvantage here relative to how the foundation is an organized
>> group
> Have you been on the receiving end of an MZMcBride diatribe? I was, when
barely two months into my role as a software engineer at the Wikimedia
Foundation (and newly transplanted in the Bay Area), MZMcBride wrote a
Signpost op-ed centered around an inconsiderate remark I made on a bug that
I closed as WONTFIX. The responses to that included on-wiki comments
telling me to go fuck myself, calls for my immediate resignation, and
unbelievably vicious anonymous hate-mail. My mental state after that was
bordering on suicidal.
> I hope that you are struck by the parallels between that affair back in
2012 and the one we are presently discussing. The germ-cell of both cases
was a legitimate grievance about Foundation engineers being dismissive
toward a bug report. MZMcBride has a very good ear for grievances, and he
knows how to use his considerable social clout to draw attention to them,
and then use words as a kind of lightning-rod for stoking outrage and
focusing it on particular targets. I don't know why he does it and I won't
speculate, but I am convinced he knows exactly what he is doing. How could
he not? This has been going on for nearly a decade.
> When I saw MZMcBride's "what the fuck" I instantly knew what was coming.
After it happens to you, you never forget the sensation of instant regret
and absolute panic as the Eye of Sauron fixates on you. It is a
miserable experience and I understand completely why the CoC might feel
compelled to intervene.

Im sorry you were on the recieving end of a wikipedian "mob". It is not a
fun experiance.

But i dont see how Mcbride should be held accountable for this. All he did
was write an essay critical of several things the foundation was doing.
Much of it was unrelated to you and about issues that were many years in
the making. Some of his criticism still rings true today. The quote he used
was perhaps mildly removed from context, but it was not wholly pulled out
of context. The op-ed is on the whole much more fair to its subject than
theop-eds I read in my real newspaper about real politics.

If other people did inappropriate things, than they should have been
punished (back in 2012). But i hardly think we should start banning people
because they wrote something sort of seditious. On the contrary I think
internal self criticism of the movement is very important. It is
unfortunate when that criticism falls harshly on a specific contributor,
especially a new one, and it can be annoying to have to consider your
secondary audiance when writing on a task...which are problems i dont have
solutions to.

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