1. Devices using 802.11 that were purchased by faculty for the classroom
ie: AMX panels, Qwizdom.  It has been difficult getting information from
the factory for these devices as far as RF Radio specifications and data

2. To get a layer one snapshot of the radios being used, we have
purchased a PSA37xp from AVCOM of Virginia.  With this tool, I was able
to get a footprint of the devices radio to determine channel used and
power output.

Chip Greene
Network Specialist 
University of Richmond

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Molta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 8:58 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] WLAN Analysis Tools

I'm working with a couple of my students here at Syracuse on an article
a December issue of Network Computing magazine that we are tentatively
calling the "Wireless LAN Analysis Toolkit." We're hoping to provide
with an understanding of the range of problems faced by managers of
WLANs along with a feel for the essential tools that are available, both
commercial and open-source. We're thinking about everything from the
physical layer (e.g., spectrum analyzers) all the way up the stack.
Frank Bulk recently looked at distributed monitoring systems, we're not
planning to cover those products explicitly.

We're looking for help from current WLAN managers. You can either
general input or answer the following two questions. I hope in most
you would be willing to post your thoughts publicly, but if you have
comments that are of a sensitive nature, you can e-mail me directly.

1. What are the most common WLAN problems you face, either in the design
operation of your network, for which WLAN analysis tools might be

2. Which specific available tools -- commercial or otherwise -- are most
helpful in allowing you to do your job?


Dave Molta
Director, Syracuse University Center for Emerging Network Technologies
Sr. Technology Editor, Network Computing

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