Ok... let's take a look at it for a second... Time Magazine article from 2006 documents how a senior writer for CNET wanted to see how much they could learn about the CEO of Google using just Google to search. Well, they found all kinds of info (address, home phone, salary and other incomes, etc. etc.). The founders of Google were outraged and were going to "ban" CNET because of it. They later reconsidered, but let's think about this for a second:

They could have actually _removed_ CNET from all their search databases and effectively made CNET non-existant on a Google search (for 600 million people). This could have all been done because someone made them mad.

Is there anything we can do? Not really. Am I changing my business direction or plan because of it? No. But it continues to amaze me that people in "high places" watch these things happen and don't even question it until it's too late. Google is buying up little companies all the time... they literally have more money than they can spend right now... that puts them in a very scary position for all of us.


Michael Erskine wrote:
Good lord, when did this wave of paranoia begin?  I missed it.

Should I be terrified that Google is going to "own" the Internet as I know it? What shall I do? What shall I do? You mean that Google is going to come to my town and try to triple the local loop charges on my fractional DS-3 simply because I want my carrier to double the bandwidth...

... same fiber, different signaling rate, triple the local loop ... Only Verizon can pull of something
like that and get away with it.

But back to the topic.

What *exactly* do I have to fear from Google? These vague suggestions that they are going to control the internet are obviously paranoia unless you can document something dark and sinister
about Google...

So, rather than make all these irrational claims, why not just *document* how google is the evil
empire and they are taking over the internet...

The very idea that they do 44% of the searches on the Internet and so they are in control is ludacris on it's face. Anyone can use any search engine they want to use. Therefore Google does
not control sqaut, except what people let them control.

... and that Jonathan, and Travis, is simple business ...

There is no evil empire behind the curtain. Honest.
Take the blue pill, Neo...


Jonathan Schmidt wrote:
Travis, your figures are right on and we've been there since the start, too,
in fact were #19 in Sprint's first customers for dedicated Internet
connection before that.

Something curious is happening and it deserves close scrutiny... starting
before NOW!

We're (paper-presenting) members of MAAWG and CEAS ...organizations you all
should watch...and start that now, too.

. . . j o n a t h a n

Jonathan Schmidt
Perftech, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Travis Johnson
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 11:07 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Google makes it official -- putting up $4.6 billion

I'm not sure what the hell your problem is, but you really need to get a grip. I started in the internet space in 1994... back before Google or even Altavista... back when there were no real search engines to speak of... and now today, Google's search is used by 44% of ALL internet searches... so, whether you believe it or not, they CAN control what searches are displayed for 44% of the internet.... that's only about 600 million people.

Postini does SPAM blocking and filtering for a very large percentage of the internet today... we have been using them for almost 4 years. Large corporations (Apple, Sun, and others) also use them. So, once again, with Google buying Postini, they can control a _very_ large percentage of what emails get thru and don't get thru.

Sounds like you are prepared to have Google control the internet for you rather than some ILEC that can really never have control... but some of us are not. Some of us helped get the internet where it is today because it was open and not controlled. You really need to open your eyes and take a look around... Google is becoming the Microsoft of internet space.


Michael Erskine wrote:
Travis Johnson wrote:
Google is quietly and methodically taking control of the internet. They already control what results we see on a search...
No they don't... Once upon a time there was CERN's search engine and then there was Altavista, and then there was Yahoo, and then there was MSN, and Google. So you see, Google does not control what results we see on a search,
if we but realize that there are other search engines.  Mr. Jeeve's?

and with the purchase of Postini, they will be able to control what emails we actually receive. And now they are bidding on wireless spectrum.
OMG. They are going to control what E-Mail's we receive? Will that help with the spam problem? LoL dude. Nobody can control what E-Mail's you receive but your mail host and sadly it can only do so much.

They are just slowly taking over little pieces of the net... bit by bit... :(
Yeah, bad! evil! Google! Fighting for net neutrality against all those nicey nice ILECs who have nothing but our
own best interests at heart.  :)

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