He says it all of the time.  And just did so again.

>> Actually showing we are paying more than lip service to the current
>> regulations  and officially Supporting legal operation may go a long
>> towards building better credibility with the FCC AS well as with the
>> of
>> the wireless industry.
>> Is WISPA up to the challenge of setting the precedent.

If that's not saying, again, that WISPA is on the wrong side of the "obey the law" line I don't know what is.

I'm with John. NO one in WISPA leadership has said that people should do anything other than obey the law. HOWEVER, there is a reality out there that the law, as written, doesn't work and needs to be changed. Laws are NOT always right, effective or even good.

We want to change things to make them better/easier for our industry. Why anyone would fight that goal is beyond me. The only two reasons that come to my mind are that the guy isn't who he says he is and he's actually working to destroy WISPs and WISPA, or he just doesn't understand what we're trying to do.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Zack Kneisley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] In support of legal operation


I don't see where Ralph said that WISPA supports breaking the law, I'm not
sure where that could have been derived from.

I feel that Ralphs statement was one of frustration of WISPA not publicly
supporting a specific stance on the issue of non-certified systems. To think
that open dialog somehow diminishes WISPA's reputation is just absurd.
Because you agree that WISPA supports only certified systems through a
ethics statement, does not conclude that WISPA as a professional
organization supports the use of only certified systems.

I don't believe that you are in a position to publicly announce such claims
of what WISPA does or does not support. To the contrary, I think your
personal opinion does diminish the reputation and credibility of WISPA in
accordance to its own Code of Ethics. I hope that your statement is not one
that represents what WISPA as a professional organization believes.


On 9/2/07, John Scrivner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I see in the WISPA Code of Ethics this line:

e) Use proper diligence to ensure that all materials on their networks
are restricted in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and the
tenets of reasonable precaution.

If this needs to be worded differently then maybe this would suffice? I
do not know how many times we can state specifically that WISPA does not
support breaking laws and that while we do wish to see some changes to
some laws we support following the laws. I am getting a bit tired of
being told by many here that we support breaking the laws when we DO
NOT. Part of the WISPA Code of Ethics states:

We will conduct ourselves in such a manner as to bring credit to our
industry and enhance its reputation.

With so many people coming on here saying over and over that WISPA is
trying to support breaking the laws we are not following this code. We
are doing damage to our industry when we state these things and it is
not helping the effort. If our Code of Ethics needs some work then say
so but stop calling us criminals on a public list server. I am tiring of
it and I am sure I am not alone.
John Scrivner

Zack Kneisley wrote:
> Ralph
> As only a list member, wireless operator and entrepreneur, I support > and > encorage your request. WISPA, should publicly support issues, > especially
> those that are law. This specific position should not be something that
> requires debate.
> I hope this request will open a dialog of democratic, representative,
> self-governing action of WISPA in general. WISPA taking a public
> would make paid membership more attractive to myself, and many others I
> associate with.
> Zack Kneisley
> On 9/1/07, Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I appreciate what several WISPA folks are doing to try to get more
>> latitude
>> in equipment/antenna matching, and as a full "Principal" WISPA member,
>> would like to ask the WISPA board to publish a position paper on legal
>> operation and guidelines for WISPs to use in order to meet the current
>> rules. It needs to be done now.
>> Actually showing we are paying more than lip service to the current
>> regulations  and officially Supporting legal operation may go a long
>> towards building better credibility with the FCC AS well as with the
>> of
>> the wireless industry.
>> Is WISPA up to the challege of setting the precedent.
>> Ralph
>> Brightlan.net
>> North Georgia Broadband Without The Wires"
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