Very nice Larry.

Let us all know what we can do to help.

Blaze Broadband

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Yunker
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:08 PM
> To: 'WISPA General List'
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] User check program
> Travis has been good enough to be the Alpha tester of the 
> User check program over the past few days.  BTW, I have 
> generically named it "Internet Monitor".
> I'm attaching two updated screenshots.  I've added a few 
> features since my last post.
> These features include:
> (1) ISP customization via a configuration file for the IP 
> addresses for each of the test target locations. 
> (2) ISP customization Threshold settings
> (3) ISP customization of Logo and contact information
> (4) Upload speed testing** Note you will need to add a php or 
> asp file to your webserver to support upload testing.
> (5) I rearranged the order of the tests to more closely 
> reflect nearest hop to furthest hop
> (6) The system now detects the user's local IP address, 
> netmask, gateway, and DNS settings.
> (7) Timeouts and ping responses of less than 1ms are now 
> properly reported.
> ----
> I've run into a few issues and I thought I'd see if anyone 
> has a suggestions regarding these issues:
> (1) For purposes of Deployment, this program requires .Net 
> 2.0.  The install program will check for the existence of 
> .Net 2.0 on the target machine and will attempt to install it 
> if it is not already installed.  Unfortunately, .Net 2.0 
> won't install on any machine older than Windows98 and won't 
> install on WinXP machines until Service Pack 2.0 or newer is 
> installed.  So, the .Net requirement is somewhat of a pain.  
> The Installation program will work easily on machines that 
> already have .Net or on machines that don't have .Net but 
> have all of the prerequisites for installing .Net.  Hopefully 
> that will be the majority of installs?!?@
> But, in an ideal world, we'd like to avoid installing .Net, 
> so the question is this: does anyone know how to compile and 
> deploy a Visual Basic application without requiring .Net to 
> be installed on the target machine?
> Or if that's not possible, does anyone have any suggestions 
> as to other visual languages which DO NOT USE .NET and which 
> might be used for future ports of this application.
> (2) One of the "features" of this application is a speed 
> test.  As you might imagine, sometimes speed tests will fail 
> to complete (due to congestion, poor connection, etc.).  For 
> this reason, it becomes imperative that I create some sort of 
> timeout mechanism so that the attempted upload or download 
> halts with no results if the test is "taking too long".  I'm 
> using the webclient.uploadfile and webclient.downloadfile 
> methods to accomplish these tests.  Does anyone know whether 
> there is a way to force this method to halt upon a preset 
> timeout?  If not, does anyone have a good example of code to 
> place a process in background in Visual Basic?  
> Thanks,
> Larry

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