
I think we need to keep in mind this is a tool designed for "residential" users... we would never ask the IT Director at a business that has a 20Mbps fiber connection to download this tool to "test your connectivity" or "test your speed". LOL

The whole idea was to create a simple, easy to download (single EXE with no installation required) tool that our 1st level support techs could use to help customers.

Also, we have a server at our location. It provides VERY accurate results from a web page (at least up to 15Mbps). There are ways to make it happen, but again, we are getting away from the initial idea of the program.


Tom DeReggi wrote:
If its being used as a speed test, its important that it is capable of 
giving an accurate speed test.
Its better to have no speed test than to have one that makes our network 
look bad.
Matt, made some good points about web apps not being fast enough to do 
accurate speed tests.

We wrote a tool that used icmp to do speed tests. but the the problem with 
that was that many of our routers were set to limit number of Ping packets 
for DOS protection.
So although wecould use it, it was not good for our end users.

Its critical to have both a TCP and Non-TCP test. They tell two completely 
different things.  UDP tests tell whether your network has the capacity to 
pass the speed tested.
TCP tests factor in the end user's experience considering windows size, 
packet loss, distance, etc.

Its also important to consider what level customers this tool will be used 
for.  1, 2,5,10,100 mbps customers.  And its relevent how large an ISP's 
network is, to know what the distance will be.
So correct windows size can be chosen that would allow full speed.  If an 
ISP sells 50 mbps circuit, poor results might be redendered of hte speed 
test was designed for 1mbps customers.

So it might be good to have a statement of what speed range the speed tool 
is capable of testing up to.

It also might be good to have a "help" or "more info" button, that will gie 
a few paragrahs about interpretting speed results, and reasons why it might 
be slow.

On the speed test, disclose where that is getting tested to.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Liotta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] User check program

On Jun 12, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Larry Yunker wrote:

(1) For purposes of Deployment, this program requires .Net 2.0.  The
program will check for the existence of .Net 2.0 on the target
machine and
will attempt to install it if it is not already installed.
.Net 2.0 won't install on any machine older than Windows98 and won't
on WinXP machines until Service Pack 2.0 or newer is installed.  So,
.Net requirement is somewhat of a pain.  The Installation program
will work
easily on machines that already have .Net or on machines that don't
.Net but have all of the prerequisites for installing .Net.
Hopefully that
will be the majority of installs?!?@

It also means the program doesn't work with no Windows computers,
which are increasingly gaining market share.

But, in an ideal world, we'd like to avoid installing .Net, so the
is this: does anyone know how to compile and deploy a Visual Basic
application without requiring .Net to be installed on the target
Or if that's not possible, does anyone have any suggestions as to
visual languages which DO NOT USE .NET and which might be used for
ports of this application.


(2) One of the "features" of this application is a speed test.  As
you might
imagine, sometimes speed tests will fail to complete (due to
poor connection, etc.).  For this reason, it becomes imperative that I
create some sort of timeout mechanism so that the attempted upload or
download halts with no results if the test is "taking too long".
I'm using
the webclient.uploadfile and webclient.downloadfile methods to
these tests.  Does anyone know whether there is a way to force this
to halt upon a preset timeout?  If not, does anyone have a good
example of
code to place a process in background in Visual Basic?

Generally speaking, webclient is not going to be ideal for speed
testing. You are going to want to operate at a lower layer. I would
suggest UDP or TCP.


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