> That may be, but Aperto did issue a press release for one customer. And,
> it turns out that customer only has one radio authorization. Further, you
> mention Tolly Marcus, but what about you? Did you not represent yourself
> at WiMAX World as a Zing employee?
> What are people supposed to think given the situation? Did Zing pick
> Aperto based on merit or an employee relationship? Does Zing have more
> than one Aperto radio deployed? Either they haven't deployed many radios
> or they have done so illegally. Both possibilities seem to make them a
> poor choice for Aperto to use as a representative customer. This is
> especially true given both Patrick and your statements regarding how
> little Aperto issues press releases. Shouldn't that mean the press
> releases actually issued are more important?
It turns out I made a mistake. In further reading it appears that Zing is
not the only customer Aperto issued a press release for. There was also a
press release issued for NextPhase Wireless now called MetroConnect.
Interestingly, MetroConnect has zero radio authorizations. Also of
interest is the following quote from the Aperto press release:

"This is the first of many significant wins we expect to announce this
year in the 3.65 GHz band in the U.S.," said Manish Gupta, Vice President
of Marketing & Alliances for Aperto Networks and WiMAX Forum Board Member.

The above quote seems to suggest to the reader that MetroConnect is a
significant win and that Aperto would announce additional significant wins
in the future. To date the only other announcement was Zing. Now maybe
MetroConnect bought a bunch of radios and didn't bother to register them
with the FCC. Of course, you have to wonder how significant of a win
MetroConnect could be when during the quarter the press release was issued
MetroConnect's SEC filings state they had $2k of cash on hand. Since that
time MetroConnect's revenue has declined each quarter and now they state
their cash on hand is $0.


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