
Its all in how you say it. A statement such as "can I call your agent
to discuss? Perhaps we can figure out something". This shouldnt make
them feel that you dont believe them.


On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Robert West<> wrote:
> Well, they never told me the name of their insurance company and I didn't
> want to give the impression that I didn't believe them so I didn't push it.
> I think I'll call our insurance guy on Monday and ask him if there would be
> any potential conflicts with any farm policies he has ever written.  I would
> think that as long as we took on the liability of anything that we did,
> there wouldn't be a problem.
> Maybe if I get some assurances from our insurance company in writing from
> our guy and then approach her gently in a couple of weeks or so with some
> solid guarantees, we may overcome.  It's just a kick in the pants today just
> minutes after ordering the equipment for that AP.  My fault, I guess, for
> not getting an agreement signed when she said okay.  Something I'm REALLY
> bad about doing.  And the thing is, I know better.  I used to help a friend
> of mine (now dead from the brain cancer, scary!) when he started his WISP
> and he operated the same way, on a handshake.  Very, very bad.  About a year
> or so ago, some company came in and bought up a few of the grain elevators
> he was on and since he had no paper on the deal, he was kicked off.  And I
> mean KICKED OFF, as in, with no notice.  A big part of his network was down
> for a few weeks while he looked for alternatives.  And I always have that in
> my head when I'm being "pals" with the site owners.  All my fault........  I
> admit it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Josh Luthman
> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:52 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Farm Insurance Conflict?
> Call the insurance company and ask them if this is true and if so how.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> "When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however
> improbable, must be the truth."
> --- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Robert West
> <>wrote:
>> We have been planning on installing an AP on the top of a 100' Harvestore
>> silo.  We got the okay from the owner, a farmers widow, and took some
>> measurements and planned out our route and all........  Just got a call
>> from
>> her nephew saying that they contacted their insurance company and they
> said
>> it would violate their policy and the silo wouldn't be covered.  We have a
>> one million dollar policy, all for their inspection, and we are on top of
>> other structures without a care from anyone.  Without knowing who their
>> insurance carrier is, could this be factual?  I know the owner and the
>> nephew both and thought this was a slam dunk, which it pretty much was up
>> until today, and a 100' silo is hard to come by around here so it's a big
>> letdown in the expansion plans.
>> The question again though is, does having the AP and backhaul equipment on
>> the grain legs and silos affect a farm policy?  If so, what can we do to
>> take away the concerns and burden from the site owners?
>> Thanks.
>> Robert West
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Robert West
>> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:52 AM
>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>> itgettingbetter?
>> "Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.  Mine is a
>> $60
>> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg on the
>> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to use the
>> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down....."
>> I agree.  In my area, we use Time Warner for fiber and have 2 separate
>> access points for them, each on different sides of the county where Time
>> Warner are told us are not directly connected so that if someone runs off
>> the road and smacks a pole, the whole system isn't down.  To back that all
>> up, we use 2 basic DSL lines from SBC.  As Brian said, throttle is down so
>> that at least the ones who can bear the slow speed can get what they need
>> if
>> they can stick it out.
>> On a funny note, however, once during an outage, and just as a joke...  I
>> told a customer who just HAD to get on her  that I could burn her
>> off some internet on a CD and she could pick it up here in the office.
> She
>> put the phone down before I could tell her it was a joke and I could hear
>> her yelling to her husband how he needed to run to town and pick up the
>> internet I was going to burn for her.  She came back and said that was
>> fine,
>> she was going to send him in.    Who would have thunk it???  So now it's a
>> joke around here, "I'm gonna burn her some Google so she can get her mail"
>> for anyone who is down.
>> Rural Ohio, gotta love it.
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Brian Rohrbacher
>> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:38 AM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>> itgettingbetter?
>> Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.  Mine is a
> $60
>> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg on the
>> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to use the
>> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down.....
>> Brian
>> Tom DeReggi wrote:
>> Actually, I disagree with your example.
>> You let your customer down, not Qwest.
>> Did you route them out your secondary transit? If you didn;t have one,
>> thats
>> not the customer's faught.
>> Did you let him know that you are trying to contact Quest yourself to get
>> more information on an ETA, and influence a work around?
>> Did he feel you were in control of the situation? Or did you leave him to
>> fend for himself, even though you were the expert on the technology?
>> Sending the message, "oh well, its down, not my problem, let all my own
>> customers suffer, so what" is not taking care of your clients.
>> If you had communicated with your client making him feel like you were
>> working towards defending his interests, he never would have took action
>> into his own hands and called Qwest directly to investigate further, and
>> get
>> false answers.
>> So yes, Customers can be irrational, often unfair and unforgiving, but if
>> you want to keep your clients its up to you to deal with it and take care
>> of
>> them.
>> Who's faught it is, is irrelevent. Customer Service is about taking care
> of
>> the customer.
>> I just lost a customer 2 weeks ago. Power went out AGAIN! It keeps blowing
>> breakers on electrical panels not under my controll or access.  I can put
>> UPSes there all day, but that does no good if breakers turn off upstream
> of
>> my electrical Demarc.  But DSL, CABLE, and Cellular EVDO didn't go out
>> every
>> time the property had power failures.  It was my faught that I designed a
>> business install to be behind an electric  breaker that was outside my
>> control to manage.  If I did my job and took care of the client, I would
>> have called the power company or property management and redesign an
>> alternate solution, after the first couple of times the power went out.
>>  But
>> I didn't.  Yes, I lost the client, and yes, it was my fault.  Blaiming it
>> on
>> the Power Company didn't work for long.
>> Just keeping it real.
>> Tom DeReggi
>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Ryan Ghering"  <> <>
>> To: "WISPA General List"  <> <>
>> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:22 AM
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>> itgettingbetter?
>> Yesterday, we had a long term upstream outage. Someone in Qwest killed our
>> ATM upstream and somehow we were getting crosstalk to another ATM PVC.
>> (Don't ask nobody can tell me how this was done).
>> In the mean time customers are calling us screaming that they need their
>> net. Our staff politely informs them all day long that this isn't a issue
>> with us, its upstream. Some customers accept that and move on for the day.
>> However the kicker!! One of our customers which is a dedicated 3 meg calls
>> up and asks, "Are you down" I say yes at this time the internet is down
>> due
>> to a problem with qwest in Denver. The customer says "ok, do you have an
>> ETA?" I tell him no not at this time the problem is with qwest not with
>> us.
>> Customer says "ok thanks" and hangs up.
>> Not 20 minutes later I get a phone call from the customer, he's mad as
>> hell
>> and spitting nails. I only caught about 1/2 of what he had said. But it
>> sounded like. "Your a damn lier, I call qwest, they have NO issues
>> anywhere.
>> I want my ****** Net or you can kiss my account goodbye a**hole.."
>> Then he hangs up. ( mind you this is a business customer )
>> I call him back about an hour later and he says he's canceled. And will
>> get
>> service from somewhere else.
>> How can this be? How was this my fault?
>> Customers are irrational and stupid..  Agreed. lol....
>> Ryan
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Marlon K. Schafer
>>  <> <>wrote:
>> roflol
>> Rick this is a GOOD thing....  Your customers call you for all problems
>> because YOU WILL ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!!
>> Sometimes great service levels suck.  lol
>> marlon
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Rick Kunze"  <> <>
>> To: "WISPA General List"  <> <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:40 PM
>> Subject: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is it
>> gettingbetter?
>> Customer calls just now.  They ask if the Internet is "having trouble",
>> I reply that there are no outages.  She then says she called a couple
>> of
>> her friends in neighboring towns and they were all down too.  She asks
>> if any other people have called today with problems.  I replied stating
>> that a day doesn't go by without someone calling with such an issue
>> etc.
>> I ask her for some details, "any message on the screen?"  She says that
>> a message popped up that said, "No Input".  I thought to myself for a
>> minute and replied, "I'm unaware of any Windows message that says
>> that."
>>  I asked, "This is in Explorer"?  She said, "No, she can't get Explorer
>> to run, nothing will run, the monitor is dark and a small message on
>> the
>> blank screen says "No Input."
>> I would have thought that by now more of the general public would be
>> starting to figure some of this out.  It's discouraging to me that such
>> an obvious hardware issue resulted in a call to see if the Internet is
>> down.
>> Rk  <-------- slapping self in forehead!
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