Yeah, that would be the spot not to be in.  Something totally unrelated to
any equipment of ours happens and their insurance company, who can easily
look for a reason to say NO to cover it, comes up with a complicated
roundabout way of how it was indeed caused by our equipment denies a claim
and then our insurance company laughs and says there is no way it was caused
by us...........  No coverage from any side.  Not fun.  Okay, I'll talk to
the insurance guy on Monday.  He may even know who covers this owner.  Maybe
it can be salvaged but it is a wakeup call here for me.  I never thought at
all about a site not being covered due to 2 insurance companies being

I'll certainly let ya know the results on this.  Our policy was written with
the knowledge that we are on elevators and silos but I don't see any mention
about competing coverage on the same sites.  I think maybe I need something
written in the policy to maybe take on the coverage of that install point,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Chuck Bartosch
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:40 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Farm Insurance Conflict?

I don't think that helps here, Jack.

It sounds to me like the problem is not that the original insurance  
carrier won't cover Robert's equipment. Robert, after all already has  
his own insurance. The way I understood Robert's explanation, the  
carrier will not honor the *original* policy.

For example, let's say lightning hits the silo, doing serious damage,  
but completely spares Robert's equipment. If the original insurer  
refuses coverage due to the non-conforming use of the property, the  
farmer's widow is SOL because Robert's insurance isn't going to cover  
damage that had nothing to do with Robert's equipment.

Robert, I would do as someone else suggested. Just say you'd like to  
talk to their agent to see if there's a way to work around the  
problem. If you do this, can you let us know the result? I'm sure  
we'll all come across this kind of thing eventually.


On Aug 1, 2009, at 1:03 PM, Jack Unger wrote:

> Ask your insurance company if the owner of the silo can be added as  
> an "additional insured" under your business insurance liability  
> policy. This is standard operating practice for most business  
> liability insurance. If they say yes, then you can go to the silo  
> owners and show them that they will be covered for any loss (up to  
> your liability limit) that could be caused by your equipment.
> jack
> Robert West wrote:
>> Well, they never told me the name of their insurance company and I  
>> didn't
>> want to give the impression that I didn't believe them so I didn't  
>> push it.
>> I think I'll call our insurance guy on Monday and ask him if there  
>> would be
>> any potential conflicts with any farm policies he has ever  
>> written.  I would
>> think that as long as we took on the liability of anything that we  
>> did,
>> there wouldn't be a problem.
>> Maybe if I get some assurances from our insurance company in  
>> writing from
>> our guy and then approach her gently in a couple of weeks or so  
>> with some
>> solid guarantees, we may overcome.  It's just a kick in the pants  
>> today just
>> minutes after ordering the equipment for that AP.  My fault, I  
>> guess, for
>> not getting an agreement signed when she said okay.  Something I'm  
>> bad about doing.  And the thing is, I know better.  I used to help  
>> a friend
>> of mine (now dead from the brain cancer, scary!) when he started  
>> his WISP
>> and he operated the same way, on a handshake.  Very, very bad.   
>> About a year
>> or so ago, some company came in and bought up a few of the grain  
>> elevators
>> he was on and since he had no paper on the deal, he was kicked  
>> off.  And I
>> mean KICKED OFF, as in, with no notice.  A big part of his network  
>> was down
>> for a few weeks while he looked for alternatives.  And I always  
>> have that in
>> my head when I'm being "pals" with the site owners.  All my  
>> fault........  I
>> admit it.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:wireless- 
>>] On
>> Behalf Of Josh Luthman
>> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:52 AM
>> To: WISPA General List
>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Farm Insurance Conflict?
>> Call the insurance company and ask them if this is true and if so  
>> how.
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> "When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however
>> improbable, must be the truth."
>> --- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Robert West
>> <>wrote:
>>> We have been planning on installing an AP on the top of a 100'  
>>> Harvestore
>>> silo.  We got the okay from the owner, a farmers widow, and took  
>>> some
>>> measurements and planned out our route and all........  Just got a  
>>> call
>>> from
>>> her nephew saying that they contacted their insurance company and  
>>> they
>> said
>>> it would violate their policy and the silo wouldn't be covered.   
>>> We have a
>>> one million dollar policy, all for their inspection, and we are on  
>>> top of
>>> other structures without a care from anyone.  Without knowing who  
>>> their
>>> insurance carrier is, could this be factual?  I know the owner and  
>>> the
>>> nephew both and thought this was a slam dunk, which it pretty much  
>>> was up
>>> until today, and a 100' silo is hard to come by around here so  
>>> it's a big
>>> letdown in the expansion plans.
>>> The question again though is, does having the AP and backhaul  
>>> equipment on
>>> the grain legs and silos affect a farm policy?  If so, what can we  
>>> do to
>>> take away the concerns and burden from the site owners?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Robert West
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [mailto:wireless- 
>>>] On
>>> Behalf Of Robert West
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:52 AM
>>> To: 'WISPA General List'
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>>> itgettingbetter?
>>> "Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.   
>>> Mine is a
>>> $60
>>> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg  
>>> on the
>>> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to  
>>> use the
>>> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down....."
>>> I agree.  In my area, we use Time Warner for fiber and have 2  
>>> separate
>>> access points for them, each on different sides of the county  
>>> where Time
>>> Warner are told us are not directly connected so that if someone  
>>> runs off
>>> the road and smacks a pole, the whole system isn't down.  To back  
>>> that all
>>> up, we use 2 basic DSL lines from SBC.  As Brian said, throttle is  
>>> down so
>>> that at least the ones who can bear the slow speed can get what  
>>> they need
>>> if
>>> they can stick it out.
>>> On a funny note, however, once during an outage, and just as a  
>>> joke...  I
>>> told a customer who just HAD to get on her  that I could  
>>> burn her
>>> off some internet on a CD and she could pick it up here in the  
>>> office.
>> She
>>> put the phone down before I could tell her it was a joke and I  
>>> could hear
>>> her yelling to her husband how he needed to run to town and pick  
>>> up the
>>> internet I was going to burn for her.  She came back and said that  
>>> was
>>> fine,
>>> she was going to send him in.    Who would have thunk it???  So  
>>> now it's a
>>> joke around here, "I'm gonna burn her some Google so she can get  
>>> her mail"
>>> for anyone who is down.
>>> Rural Ohio, gotta love it.
>>> From: [mailto:wireless- 
>>>] On
>>> Behalf Of Brian Rohrbacher
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:38 AM
>>> To: WISPA General List
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>>> itgettingbetter?
>>> Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.  Mine  
>>> is a
>> $60
>>> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg  
>>> on the
>>> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to  
>>> use the
>>> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down.....
>>> Brian
>>> Tom DeReggi wrote:
>>> Actually, I disagree with your example.
>>> You let your customer down, not Qwest.
>>> Did you route them out your secondary transit? If you didn;t have  
>>> one,
>>> thats
>>> not the customer's faught.
>>> Did you let him know that you are trying to contact Quest yourself  
>>> to get
>>> more information on an ETA, and influence a work around?
>>> Did he feel you were in control of the situation? Or did you leave  
>>> him to
>>> fend for himself, even though you were the expert on the technology?
>>> Sending the message, "oh well, its down, not my problem, let all  
>>> my own
>>> customers suffer, so what" is not taking care of your clients.
>>> If you had communicated with your client making him feel like you  
>>> were
>>> working towards defending his interests, he never would have took  
>>> action
>>> into his own hands and called Qwest directly to investigate  
>>> further, and
>>> get
>>> false answers.
>>> So yes, Customers can be irrational, often unfair and unforgiving,  
>>> but if
>>> you want to keep your clients its up to you to deal with it and  
>>> take care
>>> of
>>> them.
>>> Who's faught it is, is irrelevent. Customer Service is about  
>>> taking care
>> of
>>> the customer.
>>> I just lost a customer 2 weeks ago. Power went out AGAIN! It keeps  
>>> blowing
>>> breakers on electrical panels not under my controll or access.  I  
>>> can put
>>> UPSes there all day, but that does no good if breakers turn off  
>>> upstream
>> of
>>> my electrical Demarc.  But DSL, CABLE, and Cellular EVDO didn't go  
>>> out
>>> every
>>> time the property had power failures.  It was my faught that I  
>>> designed a
>>> business install to be behind an electric  breaker that was  
>>> outside my
>>> control to manage.  If I did my job and took care of the client, I  
>>> would
>>> have called the power company or property management and redesign an
>>> alternate solution, after the first couple of times the power went  
>>> out.
>>>  But
>>> I didn't.  Yes, I lost the client, and yes, it was my fault.   
>>> Blaiming it
>>> on
>>> the Power Company didn't work for long.
>>> Just keeping it real.
>>> Tom DeReggi
>>> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
>>> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Ryan Ghering"  <> < 
>>> >
>>> To: "WISPA General List"  <>
>>> >
>>> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:22 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
>>> itgettingbetter?
>>> Yesterday, we had a long term upstream outage. Someone in Qwest  
>>> killed our
>>> ATM upstream and somehow we were getting crosstalk to another ATM  
>>> PVC.
>>> (Don't ask nobody can tell me how this was done).
>>> In the mean time customers are calling us screaming that they need  
>>> their
>>> net. Our staff politely informs them all day long that this isn't  
>>> a issue
>>> with us, its upstream. Some customers accept that and move on for  
>>> the day.
>>> However the kicker!! One of our customers which is a dedicated 3  
>>> meg calls
>>> up and asks, "Are you down" I say yes at this time the internet is  
>>> down
>>> due
>>> to a problem with qwest in Denver. The customer says "ok, do you  
>>> have an
>>> ETA?" I tell him no not at this time the problem is with qwest not  
>>> with
>>> us.
>>> Customer says "ok thanks" and hangs up.
>>> Not 20 minutes later I get a phone call from the customer, he's  
>>> mad as
>>> hell
>>> and spitting nails. I only caught about 1/2 of what he had said.  
>>> But it
>>> sounded like. "Your a damn lier, I call qwest, they have NO issues
>>> anywhere.
>>> I want my ****** Net or you can kiss my account goodbye a**hole.."
>>> Then he hangs up. ( mind you this is a business customer )
>>> I call him back about an hour later and he says he's canceled. And  
>>> will
>>> get
>>> service from somewhere else.
>>> How can this be? How was this my fault?
>>> Customers are irrational and stupid..  Agreed. lol....
>>> Ryan
>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Marlon K. Schafer
>>>  <> <>wrote:
>>> roflol
>>> Rick this is a GOOD thing....  Your customers call you for all  
>>> problems
>>> because YOU WILL ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!!
>>> Sometimes great service levels suck.  lol
>>> marlon
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Rick Kunze"  <> < 
>>> >
>>> To: "WISPA General List"  <>
>>> >
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:40 PM
>>> Subject: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is it
>>> gettingbetter?
>>> Customer calls just now.  They ask if the Internet is "having  
>>> trouble",
>>> I reply that there are no outages.  She then says she called a  
>>> couple
>>> of
>>> her friends in neighboring towns and they were all down too.  She  
>>> asks
>>> if any other people have called today with problems.  I replied  
>>> stating
>>> that a day doesn't go by without someone calling with such an issue
>>> etc.
>>> I ask her for some details, "any message on the screen?"  She says  
>>> that
>>> a message popped up that said, "No Input".  I thought to myself  
>>> for a
>>> minute and replied, "I'm unaware of any Windows message that says
>>> that."
>>>  I asked, "This is in Explorer"?  She said, "No, she can't get  
>>> Explorer
>>> to run, nothing will run, the monitor is dark and a small message on
>>> the
>>> blank screen says "No Input."
>>> I would have thought that by now more of the general public would be
>>> starting to figure some of this out.  It's discouraging to me that  
>>> such
>>> an obvious hardware issue resulted in a call to see if the  
>>> Internet is
>>> down.
>>> Rk  <-------- slapping self in forehead!
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> Jack Unger - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
> Author - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
> Serving the Broadband Wireless Industry Since 1993
>  818-227-4220
> Twitter - "wireless_jack"
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Chuck Bartosch
Clarity Connect, Inc.
200 Pleasant Grove Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 257-8268

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