Netflix works great over wireless. I'm my own worst customer. Watch streaming 
netflix movies frequently and have a wireless link to the house. 
Granted the AP I'm on has 75% business clients on it and a fairly light 
customer load on it. But no crashes on it nor complaints from customers on 
sluggish or slow internet while I enjoy my movies ;) they need more HD quality 
movies ;) 2.5 to 3.5Mbps bw consumption. FYI if there is enough bandwidth most 
devices I seen will do download spurts of the netflix movies. 20-30sec at say 
4-5Mbit then 10-20sec with no bw utilization then another 20-30 second spurt. 
Average bw util of 2.5-3.5 for HD quality. 

If you have a wireless link to your house you could simply change your routing 
to have your internet feed go out your TW link at your house if your main pipe 
is down since you have the bw there.
This way you don't relay on feed of internet to the same location for both 
primary and backup (think backhoe) and maybe your house is served of a 
different CO as well (another plus).
There are many other benefits and reasons as well to have primary internet and 
backup at physical different locations.   
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Robert West" <>

Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 13:47:51 
To: 'WISPA General List'<>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or
        is      itgettingbetter?

Sort of.  The main connection is at full bore price but the secondary is a
slower connection, not the 20/20 we have for the main at almost 800 bucks
per month.  But our salesperson says, and I haven’t had to try it, we can
call in and have it moved to full speed in a matter of minutes.  We are
paying $250 for the second connection which is their standard business price
for 15/2 on copper.  (They built the line out with fiber into the office and
then terminated into copper to make it look good on paper and to keep it
cheap.  The salesman did some tricks on the install to get it put in for
zero cash)  I can also use the Time Warner at the house since we have a Home
Based Business plan there which is 15/2 and they charge 89 bucks for it.
Sales guy said that also falls within the terms of use.  One way or another,
we should be able to access to something in case of an outage.  Yeah, I use
Time Warner at home, the wife would crash the wireless with all her
Netflix.........  :)

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of RickG
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 12:46 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is

Robert, you have two TW connections? Did they charge you double for that?

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Robert West<>
> "Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.  Mine is a
> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg on the
> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to use the
> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down....."
> I agree.  In my area, we use Time Warner for fiber and have 2 separate
> access points for them, each on different sides of the county where Time
> Warner are told us are not directly connected so that if someone runs off
> the road and smacks a pole, the whole system isn't down.  To back that all
> up, we use 2 basic DSL lines from SBC.  As Brian said, throttle is down so
> that at least the ones who can bear the slow speed can get what they need
> they can stick it out.
> On a funny note, however, once during an outage, and just as a joke...  I
> told a customer who just HAD to get on her  that I could burn her
> off some internet on a CD and she could pick it up here in the office.
> put the phone down before I could tell her it was a joke and I could hear
> her yelling to her husband how he needed to run to town and pick up the
> internet I was going to burn for her.  She came back and said that was
> she was going to send him in.    Who would have thunk it???  So now it's a
> joke around here, "I'm gonna burn her some Google so she can get her mail"
> for anyone who is down.
> Rural Ohio, gotta love it.
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Brian Rohrbacher
> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:38 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
> itgettingbetter?
> Don't be afraid to get creative with your backup connection.  Mine is a
> a month 6 meg down and 768k up DSL line.  Sure we average 12 meg on the
> bandwidth graph, but it's better than being off.  When I have to use the
> backup I limit all connections to 56k up and 100k down.....
> Brian
> Tom DeReggi wrote:
> Actually, I disagree with your example.
> You let your customer down, not Qwest.
> Did you route them out your secondary transit? If you didn;t have one,
> not the customer's faught.
> Did you let him know that you are trying to contact Quest yourself to get
> more information on an ETA, and influence a work around?
> Did he feel you were in control of the situation? Or did you leave him to
> fend for himself, even though you were the expert on the technology?
> Sending the message, "oh well, its down, not my problem, let all my own
> customers suffer, so what" is not taking care of your clients.
> If you had communicated with your client making him feel like you were
> working towards defending his interests, he never would have took action
> into his own hands and called Qwest directly to investigate further, and
> false answers.
> So yes, Customers can be irrational, often unfair and unforgiving, but if
> you want to keep your clients its up to you to deal with it and take care
> them.
> Who's faught it is, is irrelevent. Customer Service is about taking care
> the customer.
> I just lost a customer 2 weeks ago. Power went out AGAIN! It keeps blowing
> breakers on electrical panels not under my controll or access.  I can put
> UPSes there all day, but that does no good if breakers turn off upstream
> my electrical Demarc.  But DSL, CABLE, and Cellular EVDO didn't go out
> time the property had power failures.  It was my faught that I designed a
> business install to be behind an electric  breaker that was outside my
> control to manage.  If I did my job and took care of the client, I would
> have called the power company or property management and redesign an
> alternate solution, after the first couple of times the power went out.
> I didn't.  Yes, I lost the client, and yes, it was my fault.  Blaiming it
> the Power Company didn't work for long.
> Just keeping it real.
> Tom DeReggi
> RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ryan Ghering"  <> <>
> To: "WISPA General List"  <> <>
> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:22 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is
> itgettingbetter?
> Yesterday, we had a long term upstream outage. Someone in Qwest killed our
> ATM upstream and somehow we were getting crosstalk to another ATM PVC.
> (Don't ask nobody can tell me how this was done).
> In the mean time customers are calling us screaming that they need their
> net. Our staff politely informs them all day long that this isn't a issue
> with us, its upstream. Some customers accept that and move on for the day.
> However the kicker!! One of our customers which is a dedicated 3 meg calls
> up and asks, "Are you down" I say yes at this time the internet is down
> due
> to a problem with qwest in Denver. The customer says "ok, do you have an
> ETA?" I tell him no not at this time the problem is with qwest not with
> us.
> Customer says "ok thanks" and hangs up.
> Not 20 minutes later I get a phone call from the customer, he's mad as
> hell
> and spitting nails. I only caught about 1/2 of what he had said. But it
> sounded like. "Your a damn lier, I call qwest, they have NO issues
> anywhere.
> I want my ****** Net or you can kiss my account goodbye a**hole.."
> Then he hangs up. ( mind you this is a business customer )
> I call him back about an hour later and he says he's canceled. And will
> get
> service from somewhere else.
> How can this be? How was this my fault?
> Customers are irrational and stupid..  Agreed. lol....
> Ryan
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Marlon K. Schafer
>  <> <>wrote:
> roflol
> Rick this is a GOOD thing....  Your customers call you for all problems
> Sometimes great service levels suck.  lol
> marlon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rick Kunze"  <> <>
> To: "WISPA General List"  <> <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:40 PM
> Subject: [WISPA] Are customers increasingly clueless? Or is it
> gettingbetter?
> Customer calls just now.  They ask if the Internet is "having trouble",
> I reply that there are no outages.  She then says she called a couple
> of
> her friends in neighboring towns and they were all down too.  She asks
> if any other people have called today with problems.  I replied stating
> that a day doesn't go by without someone calling with such an issue
> etc.
> I ask her for some details, "any message on the screen?"  She says that
> a message popped up that said, "No Input".  I thought to myself for a
> minute and replied, "I'm unaware of any Windows message that says
> that."
>  I asked, "This is in Explorer"?  She said, "No, she can't get Explorer
> to run, nothing will run, the monitor is dark and a small message on
> the
> blank screen says "No Input."
> I would have thought that by now more of the general public would be
> starting to figure some of this out.  It's discouraging to me that such
> an obvious hardware issue resulted in a call to see if the Internet is
> down.
> Rk  <-------- slapping self in forehead!
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