Chuck Bartosch wrote:
> In my experience,
> (1) the problem for rolling out to a new area IS NOT cost of backhaul, it's 
> the cost of the equipment. Sure we all like cheaper backhaul, but it doesn't 
> prevent a roll out to an unserved area. I'm sure there are exceptions to 
> that-but they are going to be very very rare.

Yeah good gear is a tad on the expensive side. Especially with people
wanting free installs. What break down do you see of free gear with
minimum contact, or buy gear up front and get refund do you see with the
WISPs you work with. Or are other business models in play? If so what
are they? I know there have been many threads on the list about
leasing/financing. So getting good gear with excellent terms seems to
come down to personal choice, more then cost.

> (2) the prices I'm seeing for the new backhauls from buildouts funded by NTIA 
> are not cheaper than what already exists in an area. Again, I'm sure there 
> are exceptions, but I'm willing to bet they are also rare.
Well that's no surprise.  :)

Perhaps some of the money could have been spent on funding lobbying for
changes to access rules? If there is readily accessible fiber
everywhere, (key words being readily accessible) then why does it seem
to be such a problem for folks to access?

> As I'm sure you can figure out, I'm not free to disclose which applications 
> I'm familiar with.
Ah... so if we had access to all the information/facts you did we would
see things the same way. Hmmm.... sorry not buying it. There have been a
substantial amount of threads on this list about middle mile issues
being a huge problem. Cost/access/tower colo etc.

> Chuck

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