--On Thursday, October 10, 2002 5:09 pm +0100 Nicholas Froome 

> Beverly
>> I'm assuming that Tango gets the ID and that's what you see in COL 1.
> I didn't think that Tango returned the Record ID, but I just checked -
> and it does
> I didn't know it was accessible from within Filemaker with a Status()
> command, though it doesn't surprise me
> I bow, as ever, to your superior knowledge of all things Filemaker!

According to the Manual Tango needs to know this Record ID to find out what 
record it just saved so it can then get my serial number from the newly 
created record to display in the responce. My problems is how I find out 
the Record ID and use it to display the new serial number.

Someone mentioned using a global field but globals work in a funny way 
which means they are lost when a client logs out of the server, so won't 
work for what I want to do.

Regards Paul.

Paul Hart
IT Manager
Medical Research Council
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH. England.

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