Herrod, Lisa wrote:

Christian, can you point us to an example where home text has been added to
the logo on site sub-pages? I'm really interested to see the type of sites
that are implementing this.


This idea appears on page 63 and then discussed on page 67 of Steve Krug's, "Don't Make Me Think". The sample site he shows in the image is of MSNBC.com's.

In the example it shows that the top level MSNBC logo with no "home" on it and all subsections with the "home". They have changed their site (http://www.msnbc.com ) since the book came out, the "home" is no longer on the logo and they are using a top level breadcrumb trail to get you there as well as a clickable logo.

I would argue that their current use of the bc-trail actually makes it harder to figure out how to get back home. Ah well -- designers.

All the best,

Jay Gilmore
Developer / Consultant
SmashingRed Web & Marketing
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