Read the story on that page carefully. What has happened is that flash
10 has increased restrictions over what features within the flash
plugin can be invoked via javascript. This only applies to one
specific feature (file uploads), and effects virtually no other flash
features. It does not effect javascript's abilities in general, only
the abilities of javascript to use flash in certain ways. This point
will largely become moot once video/audio/3d/canvas becomes widespread
and built into browsers, and flash as a result becomes less relevant-
Particularly on low powered platforms like the iPhone, and Android
which do not have flash- or the wii which only has an older and
underpowered version of flash.

So in my opinion, to the contrary- This news story is reporting on
decreased ability of the flash plugin to play well with javascript- It
will not make flash replace javascript- Except as a workaround in the
specific case of file uploads.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Charles Ling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys/Gals,
> I would like to get some opinion from you all, that would Flash 10 or ++
> will replace JavaScript in the future?
> According to this blog :
> I found that alot of media website started to replace Javascript to play
> their audio/video and of course Flash required to be install as third
> party plugin and had to be updated (which is annoying). Did you guys/gals
> use alot of flash in your past projects that you were working with?
> Cheers,
> Charles.
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