I don't know of the appropriateness here (etiquette) being a newbie...

though Adobe's agenda is to make Flash an entire environment within which to work... AKA - Air

It is very neat and you may find of interest the Flex developer website found here... http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/

Adobe is hoping it becomes ubiquitous to the web


On 17/10/2008, at 12:27 AM, Charles Ling wrote:

Hi Guys/Gals,

I would like to get some opinion from you all, that would Flash 10 or ++ will replace JavaScript in the future? According to this blog : http://ajaxian.com/archives/flash-10-and-the-bad-news-for-javascript-interaction .

I found that alot of media website started to replace Javascript to play their audio/video and of course Flash required to be install as third party plugin and had to be updated (which is annoying). Did you guys/ gals use alot of flash in your past projects that you were working with?


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