> On 17/10/2008, at 12:27 AM, Charles Ling wrote:
>> Hi Guys/Gals,
>> I would like to get some opinion from you all, that would Flash 10 or ++ 
>> will replace
>> JavaScript in the future? According to this blog : 
>> http://ajaxian.com/archives/flash-
>> 10-and-the-bad-news-for-javascript-interaction .

On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 02:01:07 +1100, Simon Josephson replied:

> I don't know of the appropriateness here (etiquette) being a newbie...
> though Adobe's agenda is to make Flash an entire environment within which to 
> work...
> AKA - Air
> Adobe is hoping it becomes ubiquitous to the web

It's my understanding that Adobe's AIR brings web technology to desktop
applications, rather than extending the Web itself. And, no, AIR
does not *require* the use of Flash. You can use AJAX for the client-
server interaction instead, if you wish.

Others already mentioned that the article you cited concerns the use
of Flash to get around some limitations of JavaScript.

To respond to the original question - no, I do not believe that
Flash will replace JavaScript. They are two very different technologies,
each with a place in Web design. I do think that Flash will become
less relevant when more browsers support HTML 5 and CSS 3.

Meanwhile, I am avoiding Flash for two reasons. First, I found it
beyond my abilities to understand how to make Flash fully accessible.
Second, Flash is not universally available. "Smart" phones like iPhone
don't currently support Flash, and Flash blockers are very popular.

This is a personal choice, of course.


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