At 6/29/2009 11:46 PM, Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:
I found that some of these elements take quite some time to integrate. Creating high-contrast CSS can take up to a day (or more if you're new to it), non-Javascript states usually more than an hour because you also have to edit the script.

By "non-Javascript states" do you mean that the website should work in the absence of JavaScript? I like to think that this is where web development should begin, with JavaScript added to enhance, not to provide core functionality.

For an example of a high-contrast version may I suggest to check out the Sydney Morning Herald's Travel section ( Click on "Low vision" in the navigation bar (We're going to replace "low vision" with "high contrast" since the former can be perceived as discriminatory). The styles you see then have been developed together with a vision-impaired person.

FYI, when I click on "Low vision" and get the high-contrast stylesheet, that right-most menu pick changes to "High contrast" and is highlighted, indicating that I am now on the high-contrast page. I click it again and I return to the starting stylesheet and the menu pick changes to "Normal contrast."

This is inconsistent -- first you're using the menu pick as a sign post to another state, and then you're using it as a current state indicator. Was this deliberate? It feels broken to me. Usually I click on menu items in order to go to the named item or to invoke the named change. You're using the menu pick initially in this way, but after you begin using it, it becomes an indicator of the current state rather than a sign post pointing off-stage.

I would choose just one of those models, leaning toward sign post. If you want to indicate the current state, I would display both states and highlight the current one.

Also, to ditto Jim Croft, it's terribly ironic that this menu pick becomes large enough for a person with limited vision to read only after it's been selected.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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