On 04/06/2015 04:54, Victor Batchelor wrote:
> Hi Guys,
Hi Victor,
> My comments are :-
> 1. The software often sends twice in succession. I have  TX Pct set to 20% 
> and band hopping off
There are plans to use an adjusted transmission schedule that is not 
truly random so that consecutive Tx periods are controlled.
> 2. TX message appears in RX window even though selected off in settings   
> ------------------------ Transmiting WSPR-2 ----------------------- 20m
The setting refers to outgoing QSO messages in other modes, perhaps we 
should consider withholding the WSPR tx notifications as well based on 
that setting. While we are testing the Tx notifications are useful.
> 3. I much prefer the old frequency scale showing 100 to 300 instead of 1400 
> to 1600
I assume you are referring to the waterfall frequency scale, I wonder if 
changing the waterfall parameters automatically when in WSPR mode might 
be a good idea? The 1400 to 1600 scale represents the nominal 1500 Hz 
"BFO" frequency for WSPR and gives an accurate on air frequency when 
added to the dial frequency.
> 4. The decode is much better on stations that drift
> 5 What does TX-Enabled-Disarmed do?
This status information is related to QSO modes like JT65/JT9/JT4 and 
can have the value "Tx Enable Armed" which indicates that double 
clicking on a received decode will automatically switch on automatic 
transmission mode. It has no meaning in WSPR mode.
> Overall it is a great step forward. Thank you all for you hard wok
> 73
> Victor

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