On 07/06/2015 11:51, Claude Frantz wrote:

Hi Claude,
> On 06/07/2015 11:44 AM, Claude Frantz wrote:
> Now, I can find the files "./build/FC.h" and "./build/lib/FC.h".
> According to the timestamp, the first one has been created at the same
> time as "svnversion.h". The second one is fully out of date.
The CMake build does not create a 'lib' directory so I am not sure where 
that has come from. As it includes an FC.h I can only assume that a 
CMake configure was run in that directory at some point in the past. I 
do not think that the contents of the 'lib' directory have any bearing 
on the issue. I am certain that an FC.h file in the top level source 
directory would have caused the issues you have reported.


> Best 88 de Claude (DJ0OT)

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