Yes Windows will not allow trailing spaces or periods in file or directory
names. I have just checked my DNS cache. There are 20986 entries and none
endin a period. I am using Windows 2000 server and XMail 1.21.  CreateFile()
removes trailing spaces and periods from file and directory names as your
link points out.  XMail uses fopen() to create DNS cache files.
        FILE * pCacheFile = fopen( szFilePath, "wt" );
This function also strips trailing spaces and periods.  Where are the
trailing periods coming from. It looks like XMail should be unable to create
these type of files.
At 01:19 PM 07/06/2005, you wrote:
>The trailing period is quite legal and indicates that this is a fully
>qualified domain name and no local domains should be appended when trying 
>resolve the name.
>If the trailing period is not present the DNS resolver will append local
>domain names before resolving the name.

Thank you very much Tom for the explanation of why there is a period on the 
However, this doesn't help me with the fact that Windows does not like file 
names with periods on the end. It certainly is not even the Windows 8.3 
convention which is normally used for compatibility across platforms.
There isn't much I can find that refers to compatibility with Windows and a 
period at the end, but it is obviously a problem and not supported by 

The result is that I can not back up the hard drive which contains XMail 
without throwing errors. I can not delete, rename, or move a file with a 
period at the end with Windows. If I could, this wouldn't be an issue 
because I'd just recourse the DNS cache folder and delete anything that has 
this condition.

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