> Yes Windows will not allow trailing spaces or periods in file or directory
> names. I have just checked my DNS cache. There are 20986 entries and none
> endin a period. I am using Windows 2000 server and XMail 1.21. 
> CreateFile()
> removes trailing spaces and periods from file and directory names as your
> link points out.  XMail uses fopen() to create DNS cache files.

Thank you again Tom,
How did you search for files in the DNS cache? All the methods I used does 
not find them since according to Windows they shouldn't exist. I tried using 
the Windows search, VB script, and using the FindFirstFile API with no luck. 
If I actually go to each folder in explorer and there is a file with a 
trailing period, I can see it, but I can't delete it.
You are also correct that you shouldn't even be able to create the file. I 
have failed to recreate a file with a trailing period. Neither fopen() or 
CreateFile() seem to be able to create these files. So how does XMail do it 
and how could XMail possible use it?
I suspect it is because it is running as a service with system privileges 
but I have no way to test that.
I thought of modifying XMail source to remove the period before creating the 
file but then how would XMail be able to even use the file since I haven't 
even found a way to create it. But I'll loose compatibility with future 
releases, plus I don't really know what I'm doing. <g>

I get about 1 every other day from Japan with the trailing period. I can't 
even find it in the logs.
So I added "*.jp." to the spam-address.tab file. That seems to have 
prevented the biggest problem one, which was "panda.co.jp."
I also have others, less frequently, with the same problem. So I'll be good 
for a few days at any rate, but I can't keep adding them to the 
spam-address.tab every time I find one.

I'm also using Win2k server (with all patches installed) with XMail 1.21
And I'm using WinRAR to back up the XMail folder which throws an error each 
time it finds one of these files. I have also tried using a couple of other 
archive programs with no success.

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