On Jan 30, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Vincent Fox wrote:

> What we ended up doing, for political reasons, was putting the  
> squeeze on our Sun reps and getting a 10u4 kernel spin patch with...  
> what did they call it?  Oh yeah "a big wad of ZFS fixes".  So this  
> ends up being a hug PITA because for the next 6 months to a year we  
> are tied to getting any kernel patches through this other channel  
> rather than the usual way.   But it does work for us, so there you  
> are.

Speaking of "big wad of ZFS fixes", is it me or is anyone else here  
getting kind of displeased over the glacial speed of the backporting  
of ZFS stability fixes to s10? It seems that we have to wait around  
4-5 months for a oft-delayed s10 update for any fixes of substance to  
come out.

Not only that, but also one day the zfs is its own patch, and then it  
is part of the current KU, and now it's part of the nfs patch where  
"zfs" isn't mentioned anywhere in the patch's synopsis.

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