On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:13 PM, Ahmed Kamal <

>> So, performance aside, does SAS have other benefits ? Data integrity ? How
>> would a 8 raid1 sata compare vs another 8 smaller SAS disks in raidz(2) ?
>> Like apples and pomegranates.  Both should be able to saturate a GbE link.
> You're the expert, but isn't the 100M/s for streaming not random
> read/write. For that, I suppose the disk drops to around 25M/s which is why
> I was mentioning 4 sata disks.
> When I was asking for comparing the 2 raids, It's was aside from
> performance, basically sata is obviously cheaper, it will saturate the gig
> link, so performance yes too, so the question becomes which has better data
> protection ( 8 sata raid1 or 8 sas raidz2)

SAS's main benefits are seek time and max IOPS.

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