Thanks for all the opinions everyone, my current impression is:
- I do need as much RAM as I can afford (16GB look good enough for me)
- SAS disks offers better iops & better MTBF than SATA. But Sata offers
enough performance for me (to saturate a gig link), and its MTBF is around
100 years, which is I guess good enough for me too. If I wrap 5 or 6 SATA
disks in a raidz2 that should give me "enough" protection and performance.
It seems I will go with sata then for now. I hope for all practical purposes
the raidz2 array of say 6 sata drives are "very well protected" for say the
next 10 years! (If not please tell me)
- This will mainly be used for NFS sharing. Everyone is saying it will have
"bad" performance. My question is, how "bad" is bad ? Is it worse than a
plain Linux server sharing NFS over 4 sata disks, using a crappy 3ware raid
card with caching disabled ? coz that's what I currently have. Is it say
worse that a Linux box sharing over soft raid ?
- If I will be using 6 sata disks in raidz2, I understand to improve
performance I can add a 15k SAS drive as a Zil device, is this correct ? Is
the zil device per pool. Do I loose any flexibility by using it ? Does it
become a SPOF say ? Typically how much percentage improvement should I
expect to get from such a zil device ?


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 11:20 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Ummm, no.  SATA and SAS seek times are not even in the same universe.=
>> >  They
>> >most definitely do not use the same mechanics inside.  Whoever told y=
>> >ou that
>> >rubbish is an outright liar.
>> Which particular disks are you guys talking about?
>> I;m thinking you guys are talking about the same 3.5" w/ the same RPM,
>> right?  We're not comparing 10K/2.5 SAS drives agains 7.2K/3.5 SATA
>> devices, are we?
>> Casper
> I'm talking about 10k and 15k SAS drives, which is what the OP was talking
> about from the get-go.  Apparently this is yet another case of subsequent
> posters completely ignoring the topic and taking us off on tangents that
> have nothing to do with the OP's problem.
> --Tm
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